How Balance the Scales?

It's a rare occurance that World's Edge Academy is able to receive mail in a timely manner coming from the outside world. In most cases, letters are left in waiting around larger cities, waiting for the Academy's arrival. However, whether by fate or something similar, a letter or missive will rarely arrive from outside.   The courier arrived as anyone else, a Ghask riding on an oversized carpet, a bag full of letters and parcels for delivery. The crowd gathered quickly around the outer ring of World's Edge as the courier began calling the names on the letters and parcels, handing them out to the reaching hands.   Shinobu waited eagerly nearby - the Academy was still here at her homeland, so she wasn't expecting to receive a package from home, but it was thrilling to see how excited the other students became, receiving presents or letters from home. The crowd began to disperse, as more and more received their parcels, and the bag sagged as it became smaller. Finally, it seemed the courier handed off the last of the parcels, and the last of the crowd began to depart.   The courier looked at the parting crowd, and Shinobu sensed a hint of disapointment as they retrieved a final parcel, no larger than a whetstone, and they called in their raspy voice, "Vosssk'Triiackzesss Itwar R'kynsss Sssk'yll, K'sssaitlahk Sssver'klysss?"   Shinobu knew Vosss'k had left with his group a few days ago, and that they probably wouldn't make it back in time to receive the package - she know though, that it must be important, so she took a couple quick steps forward, "He's -" she retreated a moment, feeling like she risked intruding too far on his personal life. The courier turned her way with unexpected eagerness, sharp, yellow eyes narrowing slightly.   "He's away right now, but I could hold the package, and deliver it to him when he returns to the city." She held out her hands, as though the package might be fragile. The courier's stride was eerily graceful as they approached, their tall boots making no noise against the cobbled floor of the courtyard. She set the box gently in Shinobu's hands, leaning in low to be at eye level - she was remarkably tall for a Ghask, Shinobu realized, even if the boots added a couple inches. She also realized that she was being looked at very closely, and found herself growing quickly uncomfortable under the keen-eyed gaze of the courier.   "Th-thank you." she managed to stammer out as the courier flipped their cape over their shoulder, turning to leave, simply stepping off the edge, vanishing. They left their bag behind, she realized too late.   Shinobu tucked the box into a pocket and headed back toward the Academy Proper. Her heart quickened as she realized that, though she just arrived here, she may have to leave the Academy, and stay behind if she was to deliver this parcel. A thought struck her like a bolt, stopping her dead in her tracks:   Where in the world were there snow-white Ghask?


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