
Kaiganryū, The Dragon Coast, is a city that sits at the base of the Ryuzan mountain range. Its location makes it a prime trade stop for merchants crossing from Froenia into Ashiara.


Approximately 50,000

Predominantly Beastfolk, including Tengu (crow people), Kitsune (fox people), and a significant number of Nekomata (cat people). There are also smaller populations of humans and other races.

Many residents are involved in fishing, trade, and crafts. The city also boasts a strong military presence and a growing community of scholars and artisans.


The city's governing body is referred to as The Dragon's Council, which is made up of representatives from major clans and guilds within the city. The head of this council is referred to as The Dragon Shogun, an often militaristic governor that oversees the administration and safety of the city and its people.


The Kaiganryū Harbor sits below the rest of the city, with docks built connected to the cliffside below the town proper. A pulley elevator system is used to ferry most cargo and trvellers from the docs up to the street.
Terraced Streets
The city is built on multiple levels, with terraced streets and pathways connecting different districts. Stone staircases and winding roads lead up from the harbor to the higher elevations, where residential and commercial areas are located.
Temples and Shrines
Numerous temples and shrines are dedicated to various kami and ancestor spirits can be found around the city, both in dedicated temples, and streetside shrines.

Points of interest

Ryūzan Monastery
Perched on a cliff overlooking the city, this ancient monastery is a center of spiritual learning and martial training. Monks and warriors train here in the ways of meditation, combat, and study ancient lore.
The Market
A sprawling marketplace where merchants sell everything from fresh seafood and exotic spices to fine silks and intricate pottery. The market is nearly always a lively place, often filled with the sounds and smells of trade.
Dragon's Gate
A massive stone gate at the entrance to the city, adorned with carvings of dragons and other mythical creatures. It serves as both a defensive structure and a symbol of the city's strength and heritage.
White Dragon Castle
The White Dragon Castle is the seat of the Ryū-shogun and the city's military headquarters. The castle's white stone walls and high towers are a prominent feature of the cityscape.
A beautiful garden complex featuring traditional Japanese landscaping, koi ponds, and pavilions. The gardens are a popular place for relaxation and contemplation
. Tengu Spire
A tall watchtower located on a cliff overlooking the harbor, manned primarily by Tengu warriors who keep watch for any threats approaching from the sea.


Kaiganryū is situated where the Ryūzan mountains meet the sea along a tugged coastline. The buildings of the city are built atop a series of masoned terraces that rise up the side of the mountain's slope, so one can sea the ocean from nearly anywhere in the city.
Large town


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