
Mirndarul sits inside a large, Dwaf-carved grotto along the cliffs of Dolber. Sheltered from the elements, teh city is difficult to access from abose, except through a series of tunnels that descend into the earth to the grotto. The city's harbor is unique, floating to rise and fall with the unpredictable tide, and to accommodate for the large swells that ocassionally come in from the ocean.


Council of Stone:
At the heart of governance is the Council of Stone, a group of wise and experienced Dwarven leaders chosen from various guilds and sectors of society. The council members, known as Stone Lords, are selected based on their achievements, leadership skills, and commitment to the city's well-being.
High Steward:
The Council of Stone is presided over by the High Steward, a Dwarven leader elected by the council members. The High Steward serves as the chief executive officer of Mirndarul, overseeing day-to-day operations, diplomatic matters, and representing the city in external affairs.
Guild Representatives:
The council includes representatives from key guilds and factions within Mirndarul. These representatives provide valuable insights into the needs and concerns of their respective sectors, ensuring that decisions align with the interests of the city as a whole.
Guardians' Commander:
The military aspect of the city is overseen by the Guardians' Commander, a position appointed by the Council of Stone. The Guardians' Commander is responsible for the city's defenses, coordinating with the Guardians of the Deep and ensuring the city is prepared for any security threats.
The Hearthkeeper, representing the Hearth and Homekeepers, focuses on matters of communal well-being and cultural affairs. This role ensures that the city's social fabric remains strong, organizing festivals, events, and overseeing the Halls of Feasting.
Deepstone Overseer:
Representing the Deepstone Prospectors, the Deepstone Overseer ensures that the city's resource extraction operations run smoothly. This includes managing the undersea mines, resource distribution, and negotiating trade agreements.
Crystalweaver Archmage:
A representative from the Crystalweaver's Circle, the Crystalweaver Archmage advises on magical matters, especially those related to crystals and enchantments. This individual plays a key role in regulating the use of magic within the city.
Citizen Assemblies:
Periodically, Citizen Assemblies are held, allowing residents to voice concerns and participate in decision-making. While the Council of Stone makes major policy decisions, the assemblies provide a forum for direct citizen involvement.

Guilds and Factions

Artisans' Guild:
The Stoneheart Artisans' Guild is a prestigious organization comprising master craftsmen and craftswomen. Artisans within the guild specialize in various disciplines, including blacksmithing, gem-cutting, and rune inscription. Their work is sought after throughout Migthiad.
Guardians of the Deep:
The Guardians of the Deep form a formidable militia dedicated to the defense of Mirndarul. Known for their expertise in coastal and subterranean warfare, the Guardians ensure the city's safety and protect against external threats.
Crystalbinders' Fellowship:
The Crystalbinders' Fellowship consists of skilled individuals who specialize in harnessing the magical properties of crystals. They explore ways to infuse crystals with magical energy, creating enchanted items and contributing to the city's mystical ambiance.
Stonecarver's Consortium:
The Stonecarver's Consortium focuses on preserving and restoring the intricate stone carvings that adorn Mirndarul. Skilled artisans within this faction maintain the city's historical narratives through their work on cliffs, buildings, and monuments.
Hearth and Homekeepers:
Dedicated to maintaining the communal spirit of Mirndarul, the Hearth and Homekeepers oversee the Halls of Feasting and communal spaces. They often organize festivals and events for the city to help bring in tourism and boost local morale.
Deepstone Prospectors:
The Deepstone Prospectors are a group of miners and prospectors who delve into the undersea mines for precious minerals and gemstones. Many prospectors also offer appraisal and jewellers services, for a modest fee.
Crystalweaver's Circle:
The Crystalweaver's Circle is a magical order focused on the study and manipulation of magical energies within crystals. They experiment with new enchantments, uncover hidden properties, and push the boundaries of crystal-based magic.

Points of interest

The Stoneheart Forge:
Renowned throughout Migthiad, the Stoneheart Forge is a legendary Dwarven blacksmithery where master smiths craft exquisite weapons, armor, and artifacts. Visitors can witness the artistry and skill that define Dwarven metallurgy.
The Crystal Grotto:
Located in the heart of Mirndarul, the Crystal Grotto is a subterranean chamber adorned with vibrant crystals. It serves as a gathering place for meditation, reflection, and the appreciation of the city's beauty.
Guardians' Watchtower:
Perched atop the highest cliff, the Guardians' Watchtower provides an unparalleled panoramic view of the sea. It is a testament to the Guardians of the Deep's commitment to vigilance and protection.
The Halls of Feasting:
Social life in Mirndarul revolves around the Halls of Feasting. These grand halls echo with laughter, camaraderie, and the clinking of tankards as people gather to share tales and partake in hearty meals.
The Market:
Mirndarul's bustling market, located in the underground chambers, offers a unique shopping experience. Stone stalls, illuminated by crystals, showcase Dwarven craftsmanship, including jewelry, gemstones, and enchanted items.
Council Chambers of Stone:
The Council Chambers of Stone stand as a symbol of Dwarven governance. The grand hall is adorned with stonework depicting historical events, and it serves as the seat of decision-making for Mirndarul's ruling council.
The Deepforge Inn:
A popular establishment in Mirndarul, the Deepforge Inn is a welcoming tavern where locals and visitors gather to enjoy Dwarven ales, hearty meals, and lively entertainment. It's a hub of social activity and storytelling.
The Crystal Gardens:
A serene enclave within the city, the Crystal Gardens feature carefully cultivated plants and glowing crystals. It serves as a peaceful retreat for contemplation and appreciation of both Mirndarul's natural and crafted beauty.


Stone Citadels:
The city is characterized by sturdy stone citadels built into the cliffs. These structures serve various functions, including residential quarters, forges, trade halls, and administrative offices.
Cliffside Carvings:
Intricate carvings adorn the exterior of the stone citadels, depicting scenes from Dwarven history, myth, and craftsmanship.
Underground Chambers:
Mirndarul extends toward the surface with a network of underground chambers, workshops, and living quarters. The architecture here is both functional and artistic, featuring arched doorways and passages adorned with glowing crystals.
Stone Bridges and Walkways:
Stone bridges and walkways connect different levels of the city, providing convenient and scenic paths for residents and visitors. Many are carved with traditional Dwarven designs, with hypnotic, angular geometric patterns visible from quite a distance.
Subterranean Markets:
The markets beneath the surface feature stone stalls and shops with arched entrances. The architecture here is designed to create a cozy, subterranean atmosphere, with glowing crystals providing ambient light.
Council Chambers of Stone:
The Council Chambers of Stone, where the ruling council convenes, is a grand hall adorned with pillars, arches, and intricate stonework. This intricately carved building serves as the center of operations for the city council.
Crystal-lit Interiors:
Interior spaces are illuminated by vibrant crystals embedded in walls and ceilings.
Guard Towers:
Strategically placed along the cliffs, guard towers feature arrow slits and battlements for defense. The architecture is both functional and defensive, providing vantage points for the Guardians of the Deep, a guild that serves as the primary military force in the city.


Cliffside Citadel:
The heart of Mirndarul is perched upon cliffs that overlook the vast grotto housing the city. The stone citadel, integrated with the rocky terrain, provides a commanding view of the city.
Harbor Carved into Cliffs:
Mirndarul's harbor is ingeniously carved into the cliffs, sheltering Dwarven vessels from the unpredictable sea. The strategic placement protects the ships from the elements beyond the grotto, and makes the city difficult for ships to approach in great numbers. There is often a line of ships waiting outside, as each ship must pass inspection before being permitted to enter.
Underground Tunnels and Caverns:
Extending toward the surface, an extensive network of tunnels connects the grotto-like harbor to the surface. These subterranean passages serve various purposes, including residential quarters, workshops, and storage areas.
Stone Foundations:
The city's foundations are rooted in the natural stone formations of the cliffs. Dwarven architects have meticulously carved and reinforced the structures, ensuring stability and durability against the elements.
Crystal-lit Caverns:
The underground spaces of Mirndarul are illuminated by vibrant, naturally occuring crystals.
Cliffside Pathways and Bridges:
Connecting different levels of the city, intricate pathways and bridges wind along the cliffs. These stone constructions help make travel around the city convenient, and tourists often remark on the almost hypnotic patterns carved into the structure.
High Vantage Points:
Mirndarul's location in the cliffs grants its residents and defenders a strategic advantage. From high vantage points, guards can keep a watchful eye on both the city's harbor, and the passages leading down into the city make it nearly impossible to catch the city by surprise.
Natural Defense Formations:
The rugged coastline and cliffs act as natural defenses, making Mirndarul a challenging target for potential invaders. The city has unique architectural techniqes used to hold buildings along the cliff, wihtout compromising the safety of its inhabitants.
Access to Undersea Mines:
Mirndarul's location provides convenient access to undersea mines, where miners and divers extract precious minerals and gemstones as part fo Mirndarul's regular trade.

Large city


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