Mol Tarum


Mol Tarum's population is primarily Dwarven, with many of them being craftsmen, miners and merchants. Gnomes are prominent as well, often found in engineering and inventive professions. Humans are common among the populace as well, taking up professions as diverse as themselves. Other races are found in Mol Tarum, but none so much as these.


A council works hard to oversee the weell being of citizens of Mol Tarum. These elected officials are drawn from all walks of life, often chosen by the people for thei leadership skills and expertise in their chosen profession before their time on the council. There are three Co-Chairs that serve as heads of the council, one from each of Mol Tarum's most prominent races - Dwarf, Gnome, and Human. These heads are elected by the council itself, and serve as the chief executives responsible for overseeing council administration. Many council officials are dedicated specifically to efforts revolving around the city's cultural affairs, acting to preserve individual tradition, and promoting peaceful cohabitation. Often, members from various trade guilds serve as economic or trade advisors, acting as managers and negotiators with other cities. A few serve as security and Defense advisors, who are responsible for ensuring the defense of the city, and often for enforcing legal action. Finally, there is a group that serves as magical advisors, addressing matters related to the use and regulation of magic in Mol Tarum.   The council operates in an open forum, so any citizen is permitted to attend government meetings, and to have a voice in affairs of state, in addition to the right to vote on any additions, subtractions or changes to the law.


Magical Nexus
  At the heart of Mol Tarum, there is an enormous Manalisk that acts as a font of arcane energy often use by craftsman and engineers in the city. great care has been taken to integrate the structure into the rest of the city's infrastructure offering a unique, one-of-a-kind resource to the local craftsmen, enchanters and artisans. Surrounding this crystal is the Market District of the city, with many of the closest shops being blacksmiths and jewelers.  

Market Bazaar

  Just beyond the center of the city is the market. Many of the shops here are open air stalls, offering an array of goods from all across Migthiad and Rigdune. Tourist trade is promninent here, and many artisans offer trinkets or knickknacks to passers by.  

Dwarven Forges

  While they're most prominent at the hear to f the city, Dwarven forges are scattered throughout Mol Tarum, producing high-quality metalwork and craftsmanship.  

Gnomish Tinkerer's Workshops

  Gnomish tinkerer's workshops dot the cityscape, fostering innovation and experimentation. Here, Gnomes work on intricate clockwork devices, magical contraptions, and other inventive creations.  

Diplomatic Outpost

  Acting as a sort of neutral ground for representatives from Migthiad and Rigdune, the Diplomatic Outpost is a well-regarded structure within the city. It serves as a center for diplomatic activity, trade negotiations, and cultural exchanges.  

Council Chambers

  The Council convenes in a grand hall that, structurally, reflects a great deal of collaboration between Dwarves and Gnomes. The chambers are designed to accommodate representatives from both cultures, ensuring an equitable space for decision-making.  

Educational Institutions

  Mol Tarum plays host to many schools that offer curriculums that often blend more traditional Dwarven and Gnomish education. From courses dedicated to mining, smelting and smithing, to engineering and the creation of magical and clockwork devices, these institutions are renowned for doing what few others have done in bringing two disparate cultures' traditions together.  

Guardians of the Deep Headquarters

  The Guardians of the Deep, a militiant force largely responsible for the city's security and defense, have many outpsts through out the city, but the most prominent, near the heart of Mol Tarum acts as their headquarters. it boasts a sizeable training ground where the guardsdmen in service can train and exercise, and offers suitable barracks for a large number as well, where their personnel may rest after a long day's patrol.

Guilds and Factions

Migthian Forgers

  This primarily dwarven guild is made up of blacksmiths, artisans and metalworkers, renowned for their crafts. Weapons and armor are especially exceptional here, often bearing intricate decorative designs in addition to their regular function.  

Clockwork Consortiuum

  A Primarily Gnomish guild, the ClockWork Consortium focuses on public relations for clockwork engineers, often hosting museums and displays of new devices and constructions.  

Stone Carver's Brotherhood

  A guild dedicated to the preservation of traditional Dwarven stone craftman ship, the Brotherhood hosts some of Mol Tarum's oldest inhabitants, expert stone masons and architects. They are responsible for the constructions and maintenance of key structures within the city, and often work along with the councit to keep the cityu safe.  

Merchant Consortium

  Traders and merchants from all across the city work with the Merchant consortium as part of their work. The Consortium offers licenses to perform trade, and often sponsor new businesses, and take the primary role in maintaining the intergrity of the Market Bazaar.
Large town
Location under


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