The Proverbial Olive Branch

"But, Dad says I'm not supposed to go off into town alone," The little Ghask wheedled as Shaze gently folded his claws around a small sack of gold, "What if something bad happens?"

"Dear," Shaze began with a longsuffering smile, "your big sister has been teachign you how to fight and to skulk about unseen for the last couple months. You're a talented young man, and I'm sure you'll be fine. Besides, Alira here," Shaze gestured to the young woman behind the bar at the inn, "she has promised that she'll be a gracious host, and your room is paid for for a week, not counting the money I've given you there, which will take care of another week if you need it. I bet your brother will be here in no more than five days, okay?"

Bruz sighed, lacking any material complaint, "Yeah, I guess..."

"You'll be alright, dear, I promise. Besides, it's always snowing where we're headed, and it would probably be miserable. Maybe if we're lucky, I'll get the chance to take you to the desert, or the jungle, when we go there. I'm sure you'd like that, right?" Shaze leaned in at an angle to meet Bruz's downturned eyes.

Bruz brightened a little at the thought, "Really?"

"I can't promise, but if it's possible, absoutely." Shaze stood back up, checking in with Alira to ensure that any outstanding expenses were settled, before turning toward the door.

"But," Bruz started, stopping Shaze in her tracks, "What if something bad does happen?"

The slightest hint of fear flashed across Shazes eyes before being replaced by a stern look, "Bruz, if anyone dares to harm a single scale on your head, I will know. If they should be so foolish as to make that mistake, I will ensure that the last of their lives contain more suffering than they would ever believe was possible. However," her stern look melted into yet another warm smile, "that's not going to happen. You're a capable warrior, and surviving is in your blood. Just look at your brothers."

Bruz tried to fight the urge, but couldn't help allowing a smile to break across his face, "I'll be good till Vosssk gets here."

"That's a good boy. Now, I have to get going. I'll be late for the ship if I stay any longer." With a squeeze of the hand, she turned and swiftly made her way onto the streets.


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