The Scorched Expanse

The Scorched Expanse is the desert dominating Prasodd, stretching across nearly the entire country in a series of dunes and rocky plateaus. It is vast and arid, with golden sands that burn under the relentless sun. Lucky wanderers may stumble across an oasis, the only lifeline for a lost traveller.


The Scorched expanse experiences extreme temperatures, with scorching heat during the day, and frigid cold during the night. Clouds rarely grace the sky above the desert, and the blazing sun creates a dry, oppressive heat, making travel across the desert a challenge. Ocassional sandstorms reduce visibility, and often completely restructure the desert, making the use of landmarks for travel difficult as well.

Fauna & Flora

Mirage Lillies
  In the rare case of rain, shimmering golden flowers known as Mirage Lillies seem to sprout directly from the sand. Mirage Lillies bear no roots, and don't live long in the desert heat, so they are a rare sight indeed.  
Prasoddi Desert Gators
  Enormous, Long-legged reptiles with scaled bodies resembling that of a jungle cat, and the head of an alligator. Desert gators are surprisingly graceful predators with the ability to sense vibrations in the sand.  
Ice Scarabs
  Nocturnal insects, Ice Scarabs emit a soft blue glow that can be seen on the sand, even under full moonlight. Travellers often use Ice Scarabs to create makeshift lanterns.  
  Swift, majestic birds of prey, desert hawks often prey on the smaler creatures inhabiting the desert. Nomadic tribes in the desert consider the Sunhawk to be a symbol of freedom and good luck.


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