The Time Fast Approaches

The wind was blistering cold at the top of the tower in the Rush. As the three stepped forth, the ring encircling the pit at the tower's center began to hum, as if in response to the presence of the star they carried.   Asaag turned to Shaze, so he could see her with his good remaining eye, "You're on guard to ensure the portal is opened this time. I'll take the boy, return him to his village, and meet you in Eastharbor. We're headed to Prasodd next. There's plenty of time before the next solstice, so we'll...find somewhere nice to take a break for awhile before heading over to the Tower of the Flame. It's not like we need to find a Fire Paragon, anyway." Shaze only nodded in confirmation, surprised that Asaag would suggest a vacation.   Somehow, since the encounter at the last tower with the young group of Paragons pursing them, Asaag had grown even more cold than before. The eruption had left him irreprably scarred and cost him an eye, yet he was more determined now than ever, as though the hardship was all the confirmation he needed that they were doing the right thing.   Between the two of them, Shaze had honestly always been the more powerful of the two. She had even been chosen by an elemental guardian in their travels, and she was confident that, if it became necessary, she could confront them directly with its help, though, if possible, she would like to avoid a violent confrontation. With any luck, the portal would be open before they arrived, and she could simply make herself scarce before they showed up.   This whole time, the young man accompanying them had been politely waiting. Anan, he was called. Anan didn't truly understand his part in the proceedings here, but when the Valthuevans explained the importance of their mission at the tower, and their need for his help, it became a matter of great pride for him to help. In all his home village, there was no one else they could go to, so he felt much like a folk hero, helping the mysterious strangers that had arrived to help. To be perfectly honest, simply having a chance to escabe the library he spent most of his life in was excuse enough, so now, here he was. He felt as though he had seen a lot before now, and this tower was a sort of crowning event for him, but in truth, he was ready to return home for awhile, and to catalog the things he had seen in their weeks of travel together.   Shaze approached the pit, withdrawing the Star of the Gale from a small mythril pouch, before handing it off to Asaag. The star began to move over the tower's pit, as thoguh it was already aware of its proper place, "The time fast approaches," Shaze began, addressing Asaag, "When those children will have strength enough to overpower us, Asaag. If they follow us to the next tower, it will likely require our combined might to face them, even with the Tower's help. They have a Fire Paragon with them as well."   Asaag nodded, resignedly, "Fine. After Prasodd, we'll lead them to Everwinter, then. That should bring them around. Even if they defeat us there, they'll be wondering where their teacher friend is...And one of them still has a father alive over there, doesn't he?"

Cover image: Mt Messmer, Again by Der-Reiko


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