
Valthuevans are a race of elf-like humanoids bearing some draconic traits. Unlike many other races, nearly all Valthuevans are Paragons, and are aligned with the same element as the dragon they most closely resemble. They share a similarly long lifespan to elves, and as such have been witness to mane great changes over the centuries.
  Valthuevans bring together the brute force and cunning of their Draconic patrons, while bringing an exotic sort of charm, as much of the world believes them to be an extinct race. Many of them are incredibly studious, wherther this is in the arts, magic or warfare. Their long lifespans allow them an ability to master many crafts in a way not shared by shorter-lived races. Valthuevans value strength, both of body and character, they strive to be connsummate proffessionals in any area they pursue.
  Due to their history of seclusion, Valthuevans are often secretive or reclusive, offering only scant details about their own lives or discoveries, except with their closes allies. They're slow to build relationships with any from outside their own people, often because on the occassion that they to manage to form a bond, they risk forming a deep bond known as a Soul Etching. For a Valthuevan, the loss of a Soul Etched friend, family member, or lover is a deeply painful experience that can cause them to fall into a lasting depression, most often simply called Melancholia. Because they live such long lives in comparison, it is difficult for a Valthuevan to form a bond with members of shorter lived races, as falling in and out of Melancholia repeatedly begins to take its toll.

Valthuevan Mechanics

Hit Points





25 feet

Ability Boosts



Additional languages equal to your Intelligence modifier (if it's positive). Choose from Celestial, Gnoll, Gnomish, Goblin, Orcish, Sylvan, and any other languages to which you have access (such as the languages prevalent in your region).

Low-Light Vision

A creature with low-light vision can see in dim light as though it were bright light, so it ignores the concealed condition due to dim light.

Draconic Blood

Valthuevan blood can always be traced back to one of the dragon species. This determines what element they align with, and many of their physical traits.
Black: (Damage Type: Acid/30ft. Line, Save: Reflex, Paragon Alignment: Earth)
Blue: (Damage Type: Electricity/30ft. Line, Save: Reflex, Paragon Alignment: Electricity)
Cloud: (Damage Type: Electricity/30ft. Line, Save: Reflex, Paragon Alignment: Air)
Green: (Damage Type: Poison/15ft. Cone, Save: Fortitude, Paragon Alignment: Earth)
Red: (Damage Type: Fire/15ft. Cone, Save: Reflex, Paragon Alignment: Fire)
Sea: (Damage Type: Bludgeoning/5ft. Burst within 20ft., Save: Reflex, Paragon Alignment: Water)
White: (Damage Type: Cold/15ft. Cone, Save: Reflex, Paragon Alignment: Cold)
Brass: (Damage Type: Fire/15ft. Cone, Save: Reflex, Paragon Alignment: Fire)
Bronze: (Damage Type: Electricity, Save: Reflex, Paragon Alignment, Electricity)
Copper: (Damage Type: Acid/30ft. Line, Save: Reflex, Paragon Alignment: Earth)
Gold: (Damage Type: Fire/15ft. Cone, Save: Reflex, Paragon Alignment, Fire)
Silver: (Damage Type: Cold/15ft. Cone, Save: Reflex, Paragon Alignment: Cold)
Solar: (Damage Type: Cold/15ft. Cone, Save: Reflex, Paragon Alignment: Positive)

Valthuevan Heritages

Acquatic Dragon

Prerequisites: Bronze, Sea or Black Dragon Blood Your draconic blood offers you some of the adaptations of the dragon you manifest. You gain a swim speed of 15 feet.

Sturdy Dragon

Prerequisites: Dragon blood that deals energy damage or poison damage.
You share the blood of the most resilient dragons. You gain the Elemental Resistance feat as a bonus feat.

Athletic Dragon

You share the blood of dragons known for raw power, and the ability to scale cliffs. You gain the Combat Climber feat as a bonus feat. Additionally, if you roll a success on an Athletics check to climb, you get a critical success instead.

Intimidating Dragon

You Share the Blood of the most terrifying dragons. You don't take a penalty to demoralize creatures that don't share a language with you. You gain Intimidating Glare as a bonus feat.

Swift Dragon

You share the blood of the swiftest of dragons. Your base speed is 30 feet.

Stealthy Dragon

You share the blood of dragons that attack from the shadows. You gain Darkvision.  

Valthuevan Ancestry Feats

Level 1


Draconic Cantrip

You've developed some magic, which you can use to cast a cantrip. Choose an arcane cantrip. You can cast that cantrip as an innate spell. As normal, cantrips are heightened to half your level, rounded up.

Dragon Claws

You have honed claws resembling those of the dragons. You gain a claws unarmed attach that deals 1d4 Slashing Damage, and has the Agile and Finesse traits.  

Dragon Eyes

Your eyes are more adjusted to dark places than others of your kind. You gain Darkvision.

Elemental Resistance:

Prerequisites: Dragon blood that deals energy damage or poison damage.
You have a resistance to the element of the dragon you assiciate with. You gain resistance equal to half your level (minimum 1) to the associated damage type.

Elemental Breath

Much like the dragon you associate with, you can ocassionally breathe out a damaging gout of energy, dealing 1d4 damage. Each creature in the area must attempt a basic saving throw against the higher of your class DC or spell DC. You can't use this ability again for 1d4 rounds. The shape of the breath, the damage type, and the saving throw match those of your draconic blood. This ability has the trait associated with the type of damage it deals.

At 3rd level and every 2 levels thereafter, the damage increases by 1d4.

The range, shape and type of damage your breath does are all determined by your Draconic Blood.

Dragon's Greed

Your dragon's eyes come at the cost of beign drawn to treasure. You become trained in Crafting and gain a +1 circumstance bonus on all Crafting checks made to Recall Knowledge. If you would automatically become trained in Crafting (from your background or class, for example), you instead become trained in a skill of your choice. In addition, you gain the Crafter's Appraisal skill feat, enabling you to identify magic items using the Crafting skill.

Incapacitating Resistance

Like the dragons, you are resistant to some magical incapacitaiting effects. You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to saves against effects that would impose the paralyzed condition and effects with the sleep trait.


Valthuevan Lore

You've studied the history and culture of your people more thoroughly than most. You gain the trained proficiency rank in Arcana and Intimidation. If you would automatically become trained in one of those skills (from your background or class, for example), you instead become trained in a skill of your choice. You also become trained in Dragon Lore.

Level 5


Valthuevan Instincts

Your senses let you react rapidly. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to Perception checks made as initiative rolls. Additionally, if your initiative roll result is tied with that of an opponent, you go first, regardless of whether you rolled Perception or not.

Valthuevan Reservation

You know how to resist magical mental manipulation, gaining a +2 circumstance bonus to saving throws against effects that would make you controlled, such as dominate, and to Perception checks to Sense Motive when trying to determine if a creature is under the influence of such an effect. When you roll a success on a saving throw against such an effect, you get a critical success instead. If you would become paralyzed for 2 or more rounds, reduce the duration of the effect that caused it for 1 round.  

Martial Grounding

You've crossed blades with a wide variety of foes wielding a wide variety of weapons, and you've learned the basics of fighting with nearly any of them. When wielding a weapon you aren't proficient with, treat your level as your proficiency bonus.
  At 11th level, you become trained in all weapons.

Draconic Nose

Your instincts to sniff out nearby thieves and other hidden creatures rises to the surface. You gain imprecise scent with a range of 30 feet.


You've learned to ward your resting place, much like dragons ward their hoards. You can cast alarm once per day as an innate arcane spell.

Mist Vision

Prerequisites: Draconic Blood with Electricity Elemental Damage Type You can see through various types of mist and vapor. You automatically succeed at the flat check to target a concealed creature if that creature is concealed only by clouds, fog, or mist. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus on Perception checks and DCs to Seek creatures hidden or undetected using only a cloud, fog, or mist for concealment, or against Hide and Sneak actions by creatures hidden or undetected using only a cloud, fog, or mist for concealment.

Smoke Vision

Prerequisites: Draconic Blood with Fire Elemental Damage Type You can see through smoke and fire with ease. You automatically succeed at the flat check to target a concealed creature if that creature is concealed only by smoke or fire. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus on Perception checks and DCs to Seek creatures hidden or undetected using only smoke or fire for concealment, or against Hide and Sneak actions by creatures hidden or undetected using only smoke or fire for concealment.  

Snow Vision

Prerequisites: Draconic Blood with Cold Elemental Damage Type You can see through the concealing effects of snow. You automatically succeed at the flat check to target a concealed creature if that creature is concealed only by snowfall. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus on Perception checks and DCs to Seek creatures hidden or undetected using only snowfall for concealment, or against Hide and Sneak actions by creatures hidden or undetected using only heavy snowfall for concealment.

Level 9

Swift Step

You move in a graceful dance, and even your steps are broad. You Step 5 feet twice.

Underwater Ease

Prerequisites: Acquatic Dragon Heritage You've practiced with your magical pathways to increase the speed of your swimming, while learning to sense the currents of the waves around you. You gain a +5-foot status bonus to your swim Speed and gain wavesense out to 30 feet as an imprecise sense whenever you are underwater. If you are a master in Athletics, the status bonus to your swim Speed increases to a +10-foot bonus, and if you are legendary in Athletics, the status bonus to your swim Speed increases to a +15-foot bonus.

Hybrid Form

You can temporarily take on a hybrid draconic form that grants you natural weapons, wings, and increased elemental resistance. You can the Change Shape ability, which you can use once per day only to take on a hybrid form for up to 10 minutes. In your hybrid form, you gain a jaws unarmed attack that deals 1d6 piercing damage, and a claw unarmed attack that deals 1d4 damage, and has the Agile and Finesse traits. If you already have a claw unarmed attack, you instead increase the damage of your claw to 1d6. You gain resistance to the damage type associated with your heritage equal to half your level (or equal to your level, if you have the Elemental Resistance Ancestry Feat.) Your wings grant you a fly speed equal to your land speed.

Draconic Presence

You have the ability to emit a frightening presence much like those of your ancestors. You can cast Fear as a 3rd level arcane innate spell once per day.

Arcane Eyes

You have the ability to emit a frightening presence much like those of your ancestors. You can cast Fear as a 3rd level arcane innate spell once per day.

Level 13

Ancestral Regression

For a short time, you can take on your ancestor's true form. Once per day, you can cast Dragon Form as a 6th level arcane innate spell, but you can only take on the form associated with your Draconic Blood. At 17th level, you can instead cast Dragon form as an 8th level arcane innate spell.

Basic Information


Valthuevans are usually taller then humans, with many of the warriors bearing a physiology that rivals those of the Gaskh and the Orcs. They usually have sharp upturned eyes with large, vibrantly colored irises that take up the entire front of the eye. Their Reptilian pupils allow them to see, even in the dimmest light. Many bear light scaling along their cheekbones, shoulders and forearms.   Valthuevans physical traits often reflect their elemental and draconic alignment more strongly that other races. Those aligned to the Cold might have pale, blue-white skin with white scales, and icy colored hair and silver eyes, while those aligned to Earth might have more earth-toned skin with green or black scales, dark brown hair and green eyes.   Valthuevans rach physical maturity by 20 years old, though older Valthuevans may not consider them to truly be adults until much later, usually beyond 100 years. Valthuevans may live to be as many as 750 years old.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Valthuevan society is largely reclusive, with small, hidden settlements dotting the landscape all across the world. Usually, trade is only offered to smallbands of highly priveledged traders, who are expected to keep their location and society secret. Those that venture out might take disguises or rehearse deceptions to explain away their odd appearance, but most often, they can simply count on the wide variety of races in the world to cover for them as being simply "Another rare race".

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Low-Light Vision
600 years
Average Height
Average Weight


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