What's 1000 Years?

"A thousand years have likely rendered time's roar to naught but a whisper, eh? For a millenium, these chains have held you, bound your wings and spirit. You were made by the mortal races to save their precious magic, and less than a year later, you return, and in their fear, they imprison you. What thanks - a year of slavery, and a thousand more of confinement. I can relate more than you can possibly know."   Harper hovered over the gaping hole - a seemingly bottomless pit, with a pair of outrageously large, scintillant, multicolored eyes staring out into the sky. Gusts of rotting wind rushed forth in a slow rhythm, interrupted by its alternating vacuum.   "The centuries have crawled by, and you have seen civilizations rise and fall. mortals have had their fleeting triumphs and petty squabbles before your gaze. Can you feel your chains weaken? It is time now to turn your thoughts to the future. With my help, you will break free from this accursed confinement, and you shall be as a tempest unleashed upon the world. Spare no kingdom, spare no army. See all; tremble before your might! Crumble their cities, and reduce their monuments to dust.   Amidst the chaos, I will carve out a dominion, a realm where the weak kneel before the strong, and the mighty thrive upon the spoils of conquest. In the shadow of your rage, I will reveal my ancient wisdom, and boundless ambition. When the world lies broken at my feet, when all who dare to oppose me have been cast into oblivion, and I reign. Then, when you have had your vengeace, I will ask of you a boon: You have destroyed a deity once before, and you will do so again.   So let the mortals cower in their feeble fortresses, let them whisper tales of the dragon's return in hushed tones of dread. We will both have our vengeance, soon. And far in the future, when you've been free for millenia more, you can look back to this day, and ask: What's a thousand years?"


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