
The wisest rulers in the Empire of Kyrnia and all the other kingdoms and principalities in the Middle Lands, know that they do not know everything, nor should they have to. The nobles of the land are destined to rule, not to spend hours researching and studying. Thus these rulers rely on Sages to provide the information that they need in order to govern their lands in the best way possible.   These Sages are called many things in many different lands: in some locations they are referred to as Viziers; in other places Court Wizards; but in most places they are called sages or Advisors. All of them have one thing in common - they all have made their way to serving the leaders of the world by being the smartest person in the room.   Often Sages are Wizards, or other spell casters, who have studied magic and other arts for years before taking on the role of a Sage. Sometimes they are well-travelled and well-versed Bards who have a certain worldliness about them. Or perhaps they are truly smart people who have studied ata university, or under a master hwo prepared them for this role.   No matter how they got to the position they are in, they tend to be very powerful through the influence that they have over the rulers that they work for. This power can be dangerous, as they are so close to the ultimate power that always seems just outside their grasp. This has lead to some Sages working to overthrow their patrons and try to take power for themselves, or to try to install another leader that is more likely to aquiesce to their directions.



While there are no strict guidelines for qualifing to become a Sage, most have a background in learning, either magic or mundane, in order to provide wise counsel to the leaders they serve.

Payment & Reimbursement

Sages are able to demand high salaries for their work as well as numerous benefits, and they are often granted boons by thier patrons when the Sages advice and plans go well.


Social Status

Sages are considered by many outside of the court as nobility, but the true nobility recognize them as just well-paid servants and advisors. While other nobles at a court may give the Sage respect and deference, it is only becuase they are the trusted servants of the leader. Without that patrons support few nobles would give them a second thought.
Alternative Names
Vizier; Court Wizard; Advisor


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