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Yoleen's Herb

It is said that only the witch tribes of the warm coast can use this herb at it's full potency - for those unknowing of the ancient ways will find only darkness and fear within the smoke of Yoleen's herb.    

An Account from a ceremony Involving Yoleen's Herb

I cannot for certain confirm the rumours surrounding Yoleen's herb are true, as I myself have never seen the uninitiated breath that pale smoke. However i do know that any without the correct training would surly face their own fears before finding the freedom that this potent herb can offer. I can still remember the darkness; broken only by the last embers flickering on the dying fire. smoke swirling in strange shapes that make the shadows jump and dance as my soul was freed from its earthly bounds. Perhaps i shall lend my own perspective of that time. It was a little after the last flowering season, spices, herbs and other such plants newly dried would soon be placed in the sacred storage vessels that lie in the dark chamber in the cliff-side. A round, windowless hut kept for such occasions was opened, the entrance hung with red cloth. This was the second time i had been asked to attend one of these meetings, and i was as honoured as the first time - participating in a soul ceremony with some of the highest ranked amongst our tribe. before taking part in a soul ceremony one must first g through training to strengthen the bonds between soul and soil, to strengthen ones mind, so as to return to the body after a journey. of all the plants used for soul magic, this must be the most powerful, the one that provides the most gut wrenching and sudden loss of connection to the physical plane. once all are seated in a circle around the fire pit, a spark is lit within and the dyed herb catches instantly. The flames grow and dance, and with them a rising sound begins - the sound of palms gently knocking the earthen floor in time to a soundless; rhythmic; beat. Others join, the sound growing with the fire. Then, a deep tune layers over the rhythm, no words, but sound that connects all living things from the fire in the pit to our own souls, and those of all the animals in the forest and the rivers that feed them all the way to the ever present ocean. Once a simple series of notes is established, others join, and move with that sound; a dance of souls, and of life. The sound drops with the flames dying gasps and cracks. only embers remain, and smoke that swirls and chases our shadows in playful twisting spirals. The light dims, I take the hands of the people sitting on either side of me, my eyes drift closed, and my mind drifts with the smoke. Out through the minute cracks in the walls, out in tiny shivering gasps. Up to the darkened sky, up to the distant stars.   I will not retell my experiences that day, for that is a secret for only me to know. However once I awaken their is sunlight drifting past the red cloth entrance, and the smoke has left.
unknown source~

Basic Information


A small and unobtrusive plant, Yoleen's herb grows to only a foot in height. It has small, rounded, dark green leaves that grow directly from the stem in a spiral pattern, and its flowers are small and white with 5 petals; growing out on separate stems from the tops of the leaves.

Ecology and Habitats

Prefers partial shade, and can can grow in salt heavy areas, but prefers more fertile soil. Thus making the many forests of LOST a poor habitat in that the soil is very poor around the trees. It is mostly a coastal plant, but can sometimes be found in clearings further inland.

Biological Cycle

After flowering, seed heads are produced and spread by the wind. They will flower for only 2 blooming cycles before dying back. During the first cycle the leaves will appear paler in hue, and the stems are less woody. after the first flowering new leaves will be darker and stems stronger. the leaves are gathered just before the second flowering when their scent is most potent.

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