Laegroth: Raidence Plot in Laegroth | World Anvil
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Laegroth: Raidence

  The centennial celebration known as the Radiant
Festival is a time-honored tradition in Absalom. It was originally conceived in 1620 ar to celebrate the anniversary of the thwarted Radiant Siege on Absalom 1 year before, and the original festival was such a success that it was held again 100 years afterward. Since then, it has expanded and changed forms numerous times. Now, the fair is a celebration of Absalom’s role as a leader of the region and brings in visitors from all over Golarion. The 31st centennial Radiant Festival, which would have been held on 4620, was canceled due to the death of Aroden, the city’s patron deity, not 15 years prior, the city still reeling from the loss. Now, it has been 200 years since the last Radiant Festival, and the city’s citizens are excited to reestablish this amazing, once-ina- lifetime event.
  The Radiant Festival is best known for the incredible exhibits, performances, and markets brought in from other societies around the world. Representatives from every continent (and even other planes!) meet under the banner of Absalom to celebrate the ingenuity of their different peoples, show off their latest technologies, and boost business for various trades new and old. People from around the world use the Radiant Festival as an opportunity to announce new discoveries and inventions both revolutionary and mundane, making it an incredible spectacle where never-before-seen marvels are unveiled and shared with the world. The fair is a celebration of ingenuity and cooperation, and thus while many diverse groups are welcome (including, for the first time, goblin tribes), any groups who have shown themselves to be violent or otherwise a threat to peace are forbidden from attending.
  This year’s Radiant Festival promises to be unlike any before it, since the Festivals Committee, with the support of the Grand Council, has decided that the ruined Precipice Quarter will be the focus of the 4720 ar celebration. To accommodate the festival, legions of mercenaries, work crews, and even powerful wizards have been hired to clear a wide swath of the haunted quarter and transform it into a suitable fairground. What seemed at first like an overly ambitious dream finally came to pass late in the summer of 4720, when workers finished their preparations, the fair finally opened, and tourists flocked to the previously inhospitable quarter in droves. Although rumors persist that the Festivals Committee cut corners or hired contractors of dubious motive to accomplish their incredible feat, no one has argued with the impressive results of all the hard work. The Radiant Festival’s grand exhibits this year include incredible gyroscopic towers built by representatives of Vudra, a stunning ornate temple from Minkai called the Dragonfly Pagoda, a moving castle built by Kelish engineers, and a massive digging machine called Graveraker made by the gifted Arcadian engineer Wakeiwa Atikak.

Plot points/Scenes

Festival - Circus - World Fair


City - Metro

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