The Docks Settlement in Laegroth | World Anvil
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The Docks   The Docks is not only a physical location in Absalom, but also an official city district.[1] As most travelers arrive in Absalom by ship, the Docks is the first part of the city they see. Hundreds of ships arrive and depart from the Docks every day, and it is a bustling area where longshoremen constantly load and unload cargo destined for Absalom's markets and elsewhere. The district itself is a rather rough place, as the Harbor Guard tends to turn a blind eye to most brawls and the like as long as things don't get out of hand. Young touts are found nearly everywhere, announcing the services of all manner of businesses. These include a number of cheap waterside taverns and brothels located here.   Places of interest Just off the shoreline of the Docks lies the maze of scuttled and half-sunken shipwrecks known as the Flotsam Graveyard. Most of the wrecks are here as the result of one of the many failed invasions of the city (see History of Absalom), but they now serve a defensive purpose, guarding Absalom from an invasion by sea.[2]   Two world-class shipyards are located in the Docks: the Devil's Own and the Sea King Shipyard.[3]   The largest crane in the world, known as the Beast, is located at the Long Pier, near the center of the Docks. The Beast is used to unload the heaviest and largest loads in Absalom.[4]   The Grog Pit is the most notorious tavern and flophouse on the docks.[5]   A simple stone building, the Ogrekin Hall is the home of the Ogrekin, a transporting business in the Docks. Ogrekin can move anything it needs movement anywhere within Absalom.[6]   The Pickled Imp is a curio shop operated by Guaril Karela.[7]   References Owen K.C. Stephens. (2008). Guide to Absalom, p. 22. Paizo Publishing, LLC. ISBN 978-1-60125-141-1 Tanya DePass, James Jacobs, Lyz Liddell, et al. (2019). Lost Omens World Guide, p. 16. Paizo Inc. ISBN 978-1-64078-172-6 Erik Mona, Mark Moreland, Russ Taylor, and Larry Wilhelm. (2011). Pathfinder Society Field Guide, p. 6. Paizo Publishing, LLC. ISBN 978-1-60125-305-7 Owen K.C. Stephens. (2008). Guide to Absalom, p. 23. Paizo Publishing, LLC. ISBN 978-1-60125-141-1 Owen K.C. Stephens. (2008). Guide to Absalom, p. 23–24. Paizo Publishing, LLC. ISBN 978-1-60125-141-1 Owen K.C. Stephens. (2008). Guide to Absalom, p. 24. Paizo Publishing, LLC. ISBN 978-1-60125-141-1 Adam Daigle. (2011). In Service to Lore, p. 24. Paizo Publishing, LLC.
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