Emeric, the Divine Tyrant

Worship through obedience.  
— First Tenant of the Divine Tyrant
  One of the oldest and most powerful gods, Emeric the Divine Tyrant was the god of rulership, order and law, nobility and the social order... But also slavery, oppression, and the divine mandate of heaven, with the gods as the crown of creation, and mortalkind benath them in eternal servitude. In life, he was a tall and imposing figure dressed in regal clothing and wearing a crown of iron. As time passed, the crown become part of his face, turning his skin to metal and as hard as his heart. Unlike other Gods, Emeric never took a lesser shape - he towered over cities and walls, standing at least fifty meters tall. His presence forced mortals to their knees and ripped obedience out of the defiant.   Emeric never had much love for mortals, but viewed them as subjects to be ruled, creatures that existed to serve, rather than individuals with their own destiny. In some ancient past, Emeric may ruled because he believed his rule was what was best for his subject, but time made him jaded, and his conflicts with the other gods, bitter. He controlled his cult across the world with obsessive detail, enforcing the order of heaven without compassion and without mercy. Among all the gods, Emeric was the most involved with mortalkind, enforcing his vision of a mandate of heaven.   Befitting his title as king of kings and the emperor of all, he was the patron of the worlds royality and nobility, but in the end every mortal who ruled others owed him prayer and worship - and in death, their souls. No king was ever crowned without one of the Tyrant's servitors there to bless it, and no noble would risk electing an heir not sanctioned by the Tyrant's church. Emeric also laid claim to the soul of every slave kept in chains, and their worship was extracted at swordpoint. For the common man, the church of the Divine Tyrant offered very little but fear.  


The Divine Tyrant forged his servitors out of the souls of favored mortals. It wasn't unusual for kings or knightly orders to dedicate themselves to living their lives with accordance of his divine will, just for the chance of an afterlife as his servitors. The higher the mortals station in life and the more grand their deeds, the more powerful they would become after death, trading one hierarchy for another. No servitors were ever allowed to retain their mortal memories (something never admitted by either church or servitor), but aspects of their personalities would bleed over to their new lives. For mortals he particularly favored, Emeric would grant titles and powerful oaths that improved their stations.   Noble Servitors imitate much of splendours of their mortal life, dressing in resplendent regalia when entertaining courts or visiting mortals, surrounded by sycophants and servants. In times of war, they clad themselves in intricate armor and wield weapons of the finest material. Within each the embers of ambition still glowed, and it was only the other gods that kept Emeric's servitors from spreading out to rule the world in his name.   The second caste of servitors were forged from loyal knights, advisors, bodyguards, and companions, the kind vital to the machinations of any ruler. Less powerful but more numerous, their service continues even after death. For this reason, some cultures would bury their ruler's most important servants with him upon death, hoping they would be with their ruler after death. Unlike their betters, these servants were never allowed to change from whatever role they had been chosen for. Warriors remain in armor, advisors in their robes, and never rise above their station, though they can certainly fall from it.   Emeric had a third caste of servitors - forged from the souls of slaves and oath-breakers, not as means of ascension, but as punishment. These unfortunates souls were given only the dregs of divine ember to change them to a servitor to serve the other servitors like they had in life.  

The Last Days

The Divine Tyrant was one of mortalkinds most dangerous enemies in the Last Days, fighting to keep them under heel until his last breath. Other gods played games of personal ambition or pursued ancient feuds, but Emeric directed all his ire at the mortals who had forsaken their rightful masters. He was slain during the Battle of the Broken Oath, where his anger and cruelty became his downfall - Emeric's own, abused servitors   Death has done little to deter Emerics demands for obedience. As an rotting, mindless titan, he stalks the fields of his death and the surrounding areas, binding every undead who lay eyes upon him to follow in his wake. He is trailed by a miles-long throng of shambling, celebrating, cavorting undead, in a crude mimickry of the processions that once followed his path in life.
To disobey is to blaspheme,   To rebel against your superior is heresy,   To be disloyal is death,   To each man his place in the kingdom of the gods, no more and no less.

The Will of Heaven

Emeric carried the Will of Heaven - a staff of iron, crowned by a twisting nest of horns. In the Last Days, it allowed him to exert tremendous influence over any mortal who had ever sworn him allegience, and he turned armies against themselves and made traitors out of heroes.   When Emeric died, so did the power of the staff. It has followed its master into his endless grave-march, marshalling any and all undead who bear witness to Emeric's glory.  
The Will of Heaven channels Emeric's command. Any undead touched by the Will of Heaven fall under Emeric's influence - though the god has no mind left to focus such servents, they will follow him across the world.


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Jun 8, 2023 05:04 by Marjorie Ariel

I like how he continues in death as a kind of shadow of himself, also the idea that he may have once had a more noble purpose.

Jun 8, 2023 07:48

Thank you :D

Creator of Araea, Megacorpolis, and many others.