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Batar is the God of Nature. Chaotic Neutral. Male Fey Being.   Batar is the god of nature and one of the primary gods of the pantheon. He is the son of Alpa and the brother of Elinstra, Sutex, Dregor, Omen, and Garthax. He embodies the wild and untamed aspects of nature and cares little for the affairs of mortals or other gods. He values freedom, diversity, and life over order, uniformity, and death. He is the patron of druids, rangers, and anyone who respects and protects nature. He is also the source of nature and can control it to his advantage.   Batar’s symbol is a green leaf with a drop of dew on it, representing his connection to life and renewal. His domains are Animal, Plant, Weather, and Chaos. His favored weapon is an obsidian scimitar, which he uses to slash through his enemies or carve his mark on trees. His holy days are the solstices and equinoxes when he celebrates the changing seasons and the balance of nature.   Batar has a special bond with Gaia, the primal force of nature who nurtures and sustains all life on Laklustrun. Gaia is a mysterious and ancient power that the gods do not control or completely understand. They believe she is a mother figure they have never seen, but who loves them all equally. Batar can sense her moods and desires and acts as her agent and champion, defending her interests and fulfilling her wishes.   Batar’s personality is unpredictable and whimsical. He can be benevolent and generous to those who honor him, or cruel and capricious to those who offend him. He does not tolerate any harm or exploitation of his creations and will unleash his wrath upon anyone who dares to defy him.   Batar’s appearance is that of a male Feylord with bluish skin, antlers, moss, branches, leaves, and roots where hair would be. He is often seen wearing a green cloak and drab green-brown leather armor that blends in with the natural surroundings. He carries a bow and a quiver of arrows, and an obsidian scimitar at his belt. He is often accompanied by a massive wolf, his loyal companion and guardian.   Batar’s relationship with his family is complex and varied. He loves his father Alpa, who respects his role in maintaining the natural order. He is friendly with his sister Elinstra, who shares his love for nature and diversity. He respects his brother Dregor, who performs his duty with dignity and fairness. He tolerates his brother Omen, whom he sees as necessary but sometimes excessive in his actions. He opposes his nephew Paxor, who he views as an enemy of nature and a threat to his domain. He despises his nephew Garthax, who is the son of Sutex and Dregor. Garthax embodies everything he opposes: destruction, cruelty, and madness


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