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Dregor is a male human death knight. Lawful Evil. God of Death.     Dregor, the god of death and one of the nine deities that rule over the world of Laklustrun. He is the child of Alpa, the god of magic and balance, and the parent of Sutex, the god/goddess of darkness. He rules over the realm of the dead, where he judges the souls of the departed and assigns them to their fate. He is the patron of necromancers, priests, healers, and anyone who seeks to understand the secrets of life and death. He is also the source of death and can influence it to his advantage. Dregor’s symbol is a skull on a scale with a feather and a heart, representing the balance between life and death and the judgment of the souls. His domains are Death, Grave, and Life. His favored weapon is a scythe, which he uses to reap the souls of the living or the dead. His holy days are the last day of each month when he reviews the deaths and births that occurred over the past month and adjusts his balance accordingly.   Dregor’s personality is cold and solemn. He does not interfere with the natural cycle of life and death, nor does he tolerate any attempts to disrupt or defy it. He values order, balance, and justice over chaos, excess, and corruption. He is loyal and impartial, always fulfilling his duty and following his father’s laws. He is also intelligent and curious, always seeking to learn more about the mysteries of life and death.   Dregor’s appearance is that of a tall and gaunt humanoid with pale skin, white hair, and gray eyes. He wears a black cloak that covers his body and a hood that shadows his face. He carries a scythe that can reap the souls of the living or the dead.   Dregor’s domain is the Plane of Death, a realm of order and law. There, he dwells in a colossal mausoleum that serves as his throne room and tribunal. There, he judges the souls of those who have died from justice or injustice, or who have committed crimes or sins in life. He assigns them to their fate, whether it is reincarnation or oblivion. He also welcomes the souls of his faithful followers, who enjoy eternal knowledge in his presence.   Dregor’s relationship with his family is complex and varied. He loves his father Alpa, who created him from his own essence. He respects his role as the leader of the pantheon and follows his laws and vision for balance and harmony. He admires his wisdom and creativity but also resents him for creating him as a tool for balance.   He loves his child Sutex, who he bore from his own essence. He supports their role as the source of darkness and mystery in the world. He admires their cunning and deception but also fears their plots and schemes.   He respects Elinstra, the goddess of light, who supports him with her radiance and warmth. She is his bright sister.


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