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Elinstra is the Goddess of Light. Neutral Good Female high elf.     Elinstra is the goddess of light and one of the nine deities that rule over the world of Laklustrun. She is the daughter of Alpa, the god of magic and balance, and the sister of Omen, the god of justice. She is also the mother of Paxor, the god of war, and Lumara, the goddess of healing. She represents the neutral good alignment and values purity, joy, and hope above all else. She is the patron of clerics, bards, and anyone who spreads light and happiness. She is also the source of light and illuminates the world with her radiance. Elinstra’s symbol is a golden sun, representing her warmth and brightness. Her domains are Light, Life, Music, and Good. Her favored weapon is a mace, which she uses to smite her enemies or heal her allies. Her holy days are the first day of each season when she celebrates the beauty and diversity of nature.   Elinstra’s personality is cheerful and compassionate. She loves all living things and seeks to heal them from physical, mental, or spiritual wounds. She is generous and forgiving, always willing to help those in need or offer a second chance to those who repent. She is also adventurous and curious, enjoying exploring new places and learning new things. She values individuality and diversity and encourages her followers to express themselves and pursue their passions.   Elinstra’s appearance is that of a beautiful woman with long golden hair and bright green eyes. She wears a white dress that flows like silk, and a golden crown that sparkles with divine light. She carries a mace that glows with holy power. She often appears surrounded by a soft glow or a halo of light.   Elinstra’s domain is the Plane of Light, a realm of infinite beauty and joy. There, she tends to the souls of those who have died from kindness or happiness, or who have lived virtuously in life. She heals them from their pain and prepares them for their next journey, whether it is reincarnation or ascension. She also welcomes the souls of her faithful followers, who enjoy eternal bliss in her presence.   Elinstra’s relationship with her family is mostly positive and harmonious. She loves her father Alpa, who created her from his own essence. She respects his role as the leader of the pantheon and follows his laws and vision for balance and harmony. She admires his wisdom and creativity and shares his interest in learning new things.   She loves her brother Omen, who shares her love for goodness and purity. She supports his role as the enforcer of justice and peace in the world. She admires his sense of order and law and collaborates with him in fighting against evil and corruption.   She loves her son Paxor, whom she bore with Omen’s blessing. She respects his role as the champion of war and glory in the world. She admires his strength and courage and sometimes joins him in his battles and adventures. She loves her daughter Lumara, whom she bore with Omen’s blessing. She supports her role as the nurturer of healing and compassion in the world. She admires her kindness and mercy and often helps her in her missions and quests.


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