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Lumara is the goddess of healing. Chaotic Good. Human Female.   Lumara is the goddess of healing, compassion, and mercy. She is one of the three children of Omen and Elinstra, and the twin sister of Paxor. She represents the chaotic good alignment and values freedom, kindness, and life above all else. She is the patron of healers, doctors, nurses, midwives, and anyone who seeks to alleviate suffering and promote well-being.   Lumara’s symbol is a golden circle with a green cross in the center, surrounded by four white wings. The circle represents the wholeness and harmony of life, the cross represents the healing power of faith, and the wings represent the freedom and grace of Lumar’s followers. The colors are also symbolic: gold for purity and light, green for nature and growth, and white for peace and hope.   Lumara is a beautiful woman with long blonde hair and bright blue eyes. She wears a white robe with gold trimmings and a green sash around her waist. She carries a staff with a cross at the top, which she uses to channel her divine energy. She often appears surrounded by a soft glow or a halo of light.   Lumara’s personality is gentle, caring, and optimistic. She loves all living things and seeks to heal them from physical, mental, or spiritual wounds. She is generous and forgiving, always willing to help those in need or offer a second chance to those who repent. She is also adventurous and curious, enjoying exploring new places and learning new things. She values individuality and diversity and encourages her followers to express themselves and pursue their passions.   Lumara’s domain is the Plane of Healing, a realm of infinite beauty and tranquility. There, she tends to the souls of those who have died from illness or injury, or who have suffered greatly in life. She heals them from their pain and prepares them for their next journey, whether it is reincarnation or ascension. She also welcomes the souls of her faithful followers, who enjoy eternal bliss in her presence.   Lumara’s relationship with her family is mostly positive. She loves her parents, Omen and Elinstra, and respects their roles as the leaders of the pantheon. She admires Omen’s sense of justice and Elinstra’s radiance of light. She is close to her twin brother, Paxor, despite their different views on war. She understands that he fights for a noble cause, but she wishes he would be more compassionate and peaceful. She often tries to heal the wounds he causes or prevent them from happening in the first place. She is also fond of her father, Alpa, the god of magic and balance. She appreciates his wisdom and creativity and shares his interest in learning new things.   Lumara’s relationship with the other gods is generally friendly. She gets along well with Batar, the god of nature, who shares her love for life and freedom. She respects Dregor, the god of death, who performs his duty with dignity and fairness. She tolerates Sutex, the god/goddess of darkness, who represents the necessary contrast to light. She despises Garthax, the god of chaos, who embodies everything she opposes: destruction, cruelty, and madness.


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