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Omen is the God of Justice. Lawful Good. Human male Paladin.   Omen, the god of justice and one of the nine deities that rule over the world of Laklustrun. He is the son of Alpa, the god of magic and balance, and the brother of Elinstra, the goddess of light. He is also the father of Paxor, the god of war, and Lumara, the goddess of healing. He represents the lawful good alignment and values order, law, and peace above all else. He is the patron of paladins, judges, and anyone who upholds justice and righteousness. He is also the enforcer of justice and peace in the world and punishes those who break his laws or harm his followers.   Omen’s symbol is a silver sword with a golden scale on its hilt, representing his power and authority to judge and execute. His domains are Justice, Law, War, and Good. His favored weapon is a longsword, which he uses to strike down his enemies or defend his allies. His holy days are the first day of each year when he reviews the deeds and actions of his followers over the past year and rewards or punishes them accordingly.   Omen’s personality is stern and righteous. He does not tolerate any evil or corruption in his realm and will fight against them with courage and determination. He is loyal and honorable, always keeping his word and fulfilling his duty. He is also wise and pragmatic, always seeking to find the best solution for any problem or conflict. He values duty, honor, and responsibility over freedom, pleasure, and emotion.   Omen’s appearance is that of a nobleman with short black hair and piercing blue eyes. He wears a full set of plate mail armor that shines with divine light. He often wears a white cloak that covers his body and a helmet that crowns his head. He carries a sword that radiates with holy power. He often appears surrounded by a bright aura or a halo of light.   Omen’s domain is the Plane of Justice, a realm of order and law. There, he presides over a colossal courthouse that serves as his throne room and tribunal. There, he judges the souls of those who have died from justice or injustice, or who have committed crimes or sins in life. He assigns them to their fate, whether it is redemption or damnation. He also welcomes the souls of his faithful followers, who enjoy eternal honor in his presence.   Omen’s relationship with his family is mostly respectful and loyal. He loves his father Alpa, who created him from his own essence. He respects his role as the leader of the pantheon and follows his laws and vision for balance and harmony. He admires his wisdom and creativity but also thinks he is too neutral or indecisive.   He loves his sister Elinstra, who shares his love for goodness and purity. He supports her role as the source of light and joy in the world. He admires her radiance and compassion but also thinks she is too naive or optimistic.   He loves his son Paxor, who he fathered with Elinstra’s blessing. He respects his role as the champion of war


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