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Sutex is an androgynous demonic being. Neutral Evil. God of Darkness.     Sutex, the god/goddess of darkness and one of the nine deities that rule over the world of Laklustrun. They are the child of Alpa, the god of magic and balance, and the parent of Garthax, the god of chaos. They can appear as either male or female, or both, depending on their whims. They represent the chaotic neutral alignment and value secrets, mystery, and contrast above all else. They are the patron of rogues, assassins, spies, and anyone who exploits or benefits from darkness. They are also the source of darkness and hide the world from light and prying eyes. Sutex’s symbol is a black circle with a thin white line across it, representing the thin line between light and darkness. Their domains are Darkness, Trickery, and Knowledge. Their favored weapon is a dagger, which they use to stab their enemies or cut their ties. Their holy days are the new moon nights when they celebrate the absence of light and the presence of shadows.   Sutex’s personality is cunning and deceptive. They do not trust anyone and seek to manipulate and deceive others, especially those who are too confident or arrogant in their own abilities. They are curious and adventurous, always seeking to discover new secrets and mysteries. They value individuality and diversity and encourage their followers to be themselves and pursue their goals.   Sutex’s appearance is that of a tall and slender humanoid with pale skin, long black hair, and piercing red eyes. They wear a cloak of shadows that conceal their body and gender. They carry a dagger that drips with poison. They often appear surrounded by a dark aura or a halo of shadows.   Sutex’s domain is the Plane of Shadows, a realm of secrets and illusions. There, they dwell in a hidden fortress that serves as their home and vault. There, they store their secrets and treasures that they have collected from various planes or worlds. They also welcome the souls of their faithful followers, who enjoy eternal intrigue in their presence.   Sutex’s relationship with their family is complex and varied. They love their father Alpa, who created them from his own essence. They respect his role as the leader of the pantheon and follow his laws and vision for balance and harmony. They admire his wisdom and creativity but also think he is too neutral or indecisive.   They love their child Garthax, who they bore from their own essence. They support his role as the source of chaos and madness in the world. They admire his unpredictability and creativity but also think he is too reckless or violent.   They respect Batar, the god of nature, who shares their love for contrast and diversity. He is their wild brother


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