Hasdur Martro

Lord Hasdur Martro

Hasdur Martro is an influential local to the city of Euvurcrest. He was once the son of a wealthy lord and served as the sole inheritor when his father died. After his father's death, he sold the keep, land, and servants before relocating to the grand home of the Eldur knights. He would proceed to live in a high-end homestead in the mountains where he would occasionally partake in the political high life but spent most of his time in the lower plate of the city. Here he would visit taverns and buy out the stocks of shops (among less sacred deeds).   Another common occurrence from Martro was his loans to establishments that had trouble garnering customers. He would later wave these debts in an attempt to bring the shops in the city into a union. His charisma usually knows no bounds, explaining how he made a functional union where so many others failed (his title of lord helped as well), but he has recently had several losses. His most recent merger with the Orc-Urr Aegis has been an unpopular one, causing two shops to leave the union and many of his employees to leave. Unfortunately, his hand in hiring more orcs (and replacing his prior employees with them) has caused tensions in the wealthier parts of the plate, and the orc quarter has been victim to two attacks.


Family Ties

His family is all but deceased, and he has no known inheritors of his wealth. The Martro Union has many business apprentices in it, and rumor has it that he will eventually make one of them his inheritors.

Religious Views

His religious views are unknown, but he presumably worships the gods within the Augury.

Social Aptitude

Martro is a charismatic individual that mostly mingles with middle and lower-class individuals. While there once may have been an opportunity to capitalize on his wealth with the upper-class, they now look down on him for his life of squalor.

Wealth & Financial state

Hasdur has massive amounts of wealth as a result of selling his father's land, servants, and property to Euvurcrest. He lives an upper-class lifestyle within the city and his wealth knows no bounds for the foreseeable future. He has accrued debt from several of the establishments at his new home and has even "created" a Union to bring these inns and shops together.
Current Location
Current Residence
Enmount Hall
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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