Lyslure Tree

Lyslure trees are deceptive plants, with each tree actually being a system of 2-20 carnivorous trunks with veinlike patterns and haunting features reminiscent of men or beasts. They don't lose their leaves in the winter, as they are actually waxy appendages that don't require nutrition. Each branch is covered in rows of budded flowers that may expand into roses and release a salty, metallic tasting sap that attracts insects for consumption.    The trees are highly sensitive to their surroundings and their buds can expand or contract in the blink of an eye. Given certain circumstances, the flowers may glow if large animals move through the area, moving in a variety of patterns (and in differing colors, depending on the time of year).   Further, the buds on the branches may glow, expand, and contract in a linear fashion, which legends say can be used to draw wanderers into the forest where they will eventually find their way inside the hollows of each tree's largest trunk, where they are consumed and grow into another tree.


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