New God

The New god of Brille is the ruler of Brille at any given point in time (following the ordination of Tut Maut). They serve as a religious and political figurehead, with each new leader being added to the Brillen pantheon (itself a denomination of the larger Renadi/J'barri pantheon).


Must be related to the prior New God. Male heirs are prioritized, but succession is not considered in danger if a New God were to only have daughters.


Must be the son or daughter of the previous New God.
Religious, Political
Form of Address
His/Her Pride
Equates to
A king, Augur, Pride Leader, etc. However, a New God holds more authority over their state than these titles, who spread responsibility among councils more often than not.
Source of Authority
Length of Term
until death
Related Locations
Related Organizations


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