Uthuquate (oo-thoo-kwait)

The Uthuquate are creatures from the Waters of Taev. Beyond the safety of Laminarum, there are supposedly places that host other divine families such as the Ithitar or Ohdaufeen. The majority of the regions outside of Laminarum are known as the Waters of Taev, which shut out the divinity of beings such as the Ohdaufeen. These waters are believed to corrupt any that are consumed by it. Those corrupted by the Waters have unknown power and goals. Their alignments are unknown and very few of them are given names. Ever since the ending of the storms of the Orphi Gap, more of these creatures are being found within Laminarum. Examples of well-known Uthuquate are as follows:     They have no subdivisions or orders. Some theories say that they all Uthuquate serve the desires of Taev, but the actions of Heien would contradict this claim.
Religious, Divine Host


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