The Waters of Taev are a mysterious source of magic in the cosmos of Laminarum. Whether they are a force, energy, or substance is unknown- though the unknown quickly becomes a common theme when studying the Waters...
As their name implies, the aberrant construct originates from the eldritch being known as Taev. As an Uthuquate, Taev is an entity that naturally causes the deconstruction of the universe. Where Taev is present, all information, order, and natural laws die. By extension, its Waters have strange properties that react with life in abominable ways.
In large concentration, the Waters can cause the corruption and fall of any being, from man to god. Some may retain their free will, but most become agents of eldritch entropy, working outside the world of emotion and morality as they enter the fold of Taev's mysterious conglomerate.
However, some have been known to take advantage of the Waters' powers. Some either dilute its corruptive properties or gain protection from a patron. Those individuals are capable of channeling incredible powers, redirecting cosmic deconstruction into their foes. Some have even used it to gain cosmic revelation. While many consider the use of the Waters sacrilege, the powers are tempting for many.