King Eyiliv Feneyl Seeks Allies Against Nim

Diplomatic action


The alliance between the Western Elves and the Naga-Tel broods of Mot D'nir and any Fire Mage Fleets they could find.

When Eyiliv got word that Riyael was trying to unite the East, paranoia rose. Vhou strongly believed in independence and self-governance, so uniting was a red flag for war. With enemies on every corner, including Bourilia, Nim, and the J'barri, Eyiliv sought an alliance with those that could serve the same ends as his own nation.   With the guidance of human travelers, Eyiliv sent his own men to Mot D'nir. Knowing that the Naga-Tel had longstanding cultural disagreements with humans and their fellow native species for decades, Eyiliv presumed they would be a good choice. At the time, all of the Broodmothers declined, regardless of the promise of new territory. It would not be until the Broodmothers believed themselves a strong enough force that they would agree to join him. This would not happen until nearly a decade later.   The next step was to promise refuge and reward to any remaining J'barri firemage fleets they could find. Practically promised a cared-for retirement, they managed to collect 27 ships and 35 fire mages.

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