Re-emergence of the constructs

Celestial / Cosmic


The return of constructs to Western Silse and their interference with the Western Elves

Shortly after the start of the Hadegi period, the constructs returned to Laminuarum. They mostly kept to themselves, staying off the horizon of Gerron. While they kept their distance, their presence still concerned Uliyo and his people.   During the day, they could scarcely be seen. At night, they brought flashes in the sky and harm to citizens. Those who dared to leave their homes at night would face horrors of body and mind. This left Feneyl and Gerron exposed at night, as guards could not safely traverse the streets. This led to the creation of iron barracks and hiding posts throughout the city. These prove defensible even today. Even from within the barracks, the guards still saw flashes. Some reported that when they closed their eyes, colors flashed as if they were staring right at the sky.   This return would result in Uliyo sending letters to Riyael for assistance and surveillance.

Related Location
Fort Feneyl
Related Species
Related timelines & articles
Elvish History
History of Laminarum