The March of Nim

Military action


The assault against the "mountain guardians" by the army of Nim.

Nim had prepared a plan to get ready for the march up the mountain range of the guardians. They had to prepare a force like no elf had seen before. Walls of stone, rather than wood. Weapons, armor, training and the like. Second, a troop had to establish a quick method of travel between Nim and Poueir. Lastly, they had to investigate the legends of "catfolk" across the water of Silse.   When all was said and done, a major force Marched beyond the rivers and climbed the mountains. With new weapons of metal from the J'barri (see 'War for Renad-Pai') and years of trained soldiers, king Riyael led a successful march on the guardians.   The guardians were stated to speak, but in an unknown language. The elves gave this no second thought and developed a successful strategy against them. Platoons of 45 marched and pushed the guardians to cliffs, sending them tumbling and shattering in the waters, thousands of feet down. This was the most incredible feat among mortals in all of history.

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