The creating of a small Kaban outpost, intended to stop the hardships for the Kaban. They were assisted by the Thanid race, themselves disgraced in the hardships of Mot D'nir.
The few hundred remaining Kaban throughout the diaspora wandered cyclically, ignoring any sapient groups that they could and mostly sticking to coasts. One tribulation after another proved this pacificity unrealistic and unhelpful. They would need to interact with the natives, though their final choice of inhabitants would be the least helpful they could have chosen. In one of their migrations, they passed the Thanid Divide as the humans (Not their original oppressors, unknown to them) continued expanding in the marshes. There they met the long-separated Thanids, which met them initially with hostility. The Kaban never pushed into their established territories but continued to roam the edges of the civilization. Seeing that the Kaban had no desire to fight or steal, the natives extended a hand for interaction. Over time the Kaban learned the Thanid history of exile by the Tara-Jhen, which had now grown into an oppressive regime for all. The froglike Thanids had long lost their access to the Quai (being the last to use it before the current mantle holders). Upon losing this connection, they were brutally forced away from any possible Quai territory. Having sympathy for another "slow people," as they called them, they allowed them to establish housing and remain on their land. From here, the Kaban built Rodaka village and would send individuals out to gain any survivors that they could.