Official Founding of Fjordstrond



The official recognition and naming of Fjordstrond after much expedition in the Icelends.

After spending much time in the northlands and exploring what may be of use, the explorers began to think there would be nothing of use within the region. Alas, while most of their explorations were up the frigid east coast of Trinen, they began exploring down the daunting rivers with high risen cliffs on each side. While they set up small camps and made extremely slow progress in the frigid waters, as winters were much harsher at the time, they eventually made their way to the crossings between the largest fjords.   The two fleets continued together, until the reached another crossroads, where they split off again. The fleet made the decision to split at each set of crossing fjords, so the eventual landing at Fjordstrond left a small crew to recognize its brilliance. The area was cool, yet warmer than would be expected with the mountain glaciers miles up the fjord. The waters were the clearest that the crew had ever seen, and the mountains were ridged perfectly for an easy climb. All sorts of climbing species of goat and boars lined the ledges as well, leaving the area as the natural choice for a Shellbay expansion.   Half of the crew split off once more, which left half of them to begin small preparations for any settlement in the region. The other half followed the path they had taken initially, making for a long but familiar journey. Upon arriving to Shellbay, a large question arose: Would Shellbay or the Snow-Rocks own Fjordstrond? This question would continue to be asked, even as the settlement was being built. For now though, Shellbay gave its blessing for a settlement construction which began immediately upon a large fleets movement back to the region.

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