Saltkrigere Attempt Assasination of Eyiliv

Life, Failure / Mishap


The failed attempt on Eyiliv Feneyl by a Saltkrigere spy during his stay in Caripreet. The failure would be the smoking gun of the The War of Eyiliv, which would carry the greatest death toll of any conflict in Laminarum's history, even compared to the Mountainfold.

Eyiliv Feneyl sought to finalize an alliance with the indecisive Caripreet. During his stay, the Saltkrigere attempted to assassinate him in his temporary quarters. The spy managed to escape, saying that he froze when bringing the knife down on Eyiliv. More than that, he was paralyzed at the thought. When the King awoke, he reached for a sword at his bedside. The spy decided to run rather than swallow his poison.   The event was seen by many, which forced Caripreet's hand in joining The Western Pillars. While the Baron's decision would be kept secret, all of humanity saw their betrayal during the crushing of a Saltkrigere fleet.   With the failed attempt, Eyiliv decided war had begun. The rest of the Western Pillars were alright with it, given their participation in the war would be met with great reward at each other's hands.

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History of Laminarum