Saltkrigere Fleet Journey to Bourilia



The long and arduous journey of the Saltkrigere fleet to Bourilia.

The Saltkrigere fleet was commanded to support Bourilia during an anticipated invasion by the Western Elves. The forces of Thiff guided the fleet through the Thanid Divide, only to learn that Krakan Bower had been taken. The fleet was attacked from the coast, resulting in the loss of several ships and needs for repair. Caripreet was the decided location for them to stop, given their (false) neutrality.   The fleet stayed with a warm welcome in Caripreet for months while the substantial damage was repaired. During their stay, Eyiliv was informed of their presence and action was to be taken. The Ocean Pride was moved from Krakan Bower to immediately begin an ambush on the docked ships. Caripreet was told to release arrows onto the docks from their walls as soon as the Ocean Pride was visible.   In the chaos, dozens of soldiers were lost before they could escape to the safety of their ships. The fleet was lucky to escape at all, as their ships were lighter and faster than the Ocean Pride and the wind was on their side.   The fleet would once again need to regroup in Nim for repairs, as well as for the uptake of new troops among the elves. Finally, they set sail for Bourilia through River Nim, protecting the Southern kingdom from forces at the Western forts. Eventually, they would be crucial in taking the Western river fort as well.

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