Brille: Completion of J'tsan Lire

Construction beginning/end

876 B.E. - 858 B.E.

The construction of the second wall of Brille, within the walls of Tirni.

J'tsan Lire, or "Hands of J'tsan," was constructed at the command of Brillen Pride Leader "Jie Teka." Teka himself was told to build this wall by J'bar. Unlike the outer wall, which meant to prove and distinguish the people of Brille, Lire was built to distinguish the respectable people within Brille itself.   Lire was the first wall to represent any form of class system within Brille. Individuals who helped build this wall were allowed inside upon completion, as were priests. Once businesses and co-ops were developed, they would function within the walls of Lire as well.   Jie Teka and J'bar worked together closely to decide how the wall should be built. All of the main entrances into Lire have doorframes in the shape of mouths or heads representing J'bar, Teka, J'tsan, or the other patron gods. Through this constuction, J'bar and Teka became good friends and were known to share ideas about how Brille's people should be ruled. The extensive propaganda distributed through art on Wall Lire promoting J'bar would also ensure that he became a household name.

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