The Battle of Tirni

Military: Battle

488 B.E.

The first battle in Levrin Feneyl's escapade of superiority and ownership over the people of Renad.

Over the past several decades, Brille suffered greatly from a famine that seemed like it would never end, resulting in many dying or leaving. Regardless of struggles, most had no choice but to stay; however, they refused to outlaw fire magic until the death of Tut Maut, so most family's stayed and continued growing their roots in a fire-accepting culture. from 490-510MN, the population was on a rebound. They grew greatly, stabilized their government, and even became desirable for the people of Roja or Kala.   Unfortunately, the people would not have it easy for so long. Levrin Feneyl, Western Elf and son of Uliyo Feneyl, had been kicking up nationalism and superiority amongst his people. He developed what he called a "cosmic argument of ownership" over the J'barri. His local immigrants from Renad became slaves over time and he argued that Silse "held" Renad in it's palm, so they should bring civility to the people of the nation.   Expecting Brille to be in the weakest state as a result of the Mountainfold, he set his sights upon them first. Unfortunately for him, he was wrong about their perceived weakness. In fact, the region was still very mysterious to most, even other inhabitants of Renad. No one truly knew the power that Brille may held until the Western Elves made the first move.   Relatively advanced Brille trebuchets made quick work of their ships up the Western rivers. infiltrators were sniffed out and flayed, and action on the battlefields were a brutal failure. While some of the elves had access to rudimentary magic, they were no match for the sheer might of the Brillens. The government had no mercy for the unexpected invaders either. All generals were executed by being thrown down the walls in front of their soldiers. However, Levrin would not desist his escapades.

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