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Lamyanthe is a fictional country containing five territories--Amissa, Calindos, Tempestia, Nyxys, and Umbren. The two territories that are focused on the most are Amissa and Calindos. Lamyanthe is home to all sorts of supernatural creatures--but is also home to ordinary humans. All of these species live in their respective territories harmoniously (or as harmoniously as they can) while priding themselves on respect and distance. Amissa and Calindos had previously been one territory, but during the Civil War of Dryads, each territory was formed as a way to separate both types of Dryadales--the Meridiem went to Calindos, and the Tenebris went to Amissa. These Dryadales, in general, put Earth Magic before all other types of magic and wield magic through their limbs--only those with excessive amounts of powers MUST wield magical tools (wands, diadems, enchanted jewellery) in order to prevent themselves from undergoing magic consumption, an illness that drives mad and causes fatal physical symptoms. The territory of Calindos become home to the Meridiem, which have significantly less power than the Tenebris as a result of a genetic mutation which resulted in muted powers that only work to certain extents, and which can be exhausted quite easily. Tempestia is home to all types of elven species--all of which are characterized as extremely friendly and welcoming. They are the best healers in all of Lamyanthe and had homed plenty of Dryadales during the Civil War. Elves come in a huge variety of sizes, shapes, and colors. Some have magic and some don't, but what unites them all as one is definitive facial features, lilting voices, a knack for healing, fixing, and playing music, and an overwhelming sense of community and pride when it comes to being an Elf. Also in Tempestia is the only surviving human community in Lamyanthe. Both Nyxys and Umbren are characterized as dangerous places to travel to (along with Amissa). While none of these territories have ever declared war or shown true contempt for one another, the Civil War put quite a strain on all territories in Lamyanthe, and from then on, there was a strained bond between Nyxys and Umbren and the rest of the territories. Aside from that, the landscape of each respective territory is quite dangerous in itself, what with Nyxys being primarily deadly desert and Umbren being primarily mountainous and snowy. Travelling, especially on foot, to or through either of these territories has proved fatal to many that have tried, which means that both the people of Nyxys and Umbren have become quite resilient, but also quite secluded. Only Nyxysans and Umbrens can easily travel between territories. Nyxysans are typically characterized as Lanulae Sprites. There are plenty of different Lanulaes in the same way there are plenty of different types of elves, but in general, Lanulae Sprites are creatures of the night and the darkness. They are not inherently evil, but who do prefer to do things independently from other types of creatures and species. Lanulaes do, however, get along very well with Umbrens, which are people made up of the warrior species known as Shakzi Sprites. Though a seemingly calm people, the best warriors are trained in the Letalia Mounains, which is home to the training grounds of Shakzi Sprites who choose to become trained as warriors, soldiers, fighters. Any Shakzi who enters into this training program is henceforth known as Fortified--after graduating from the program, Shakzis are considered Summoned.