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Guild Benefits

Guilds Promised Fall Leader: Frederick Mournhell Default Boons: Research - Upon spending one hour researching and succeeding on a medium-DC Intelligence (Arcana) check, you may consult with guild members. These members may be older members or someone of the same rank. Should the members deign to respond, you may ask them for guidance on a single decision or course of action. The members do not offer any concrete information about the future, but do indicate their approval or disapproval of the relevant action. Ranks: Dabbler You have begun your training under the Promised Fall. Your initial tasks involve gathering ingredients and learning the various rituals. Holdings: •Lodging with your school. A spellbook given by your master. Progression: •Promotion by your master. Hedge Mage Clan members now come to you for advice on minor matters. Your master remains in charge of the major rituals and ceremonies, but you are granted the authority to dole out minor blessings on an individual basis. Part of your duties also includes the telling of cautionary tales to the younger members of the tribe. Holdings: • A small home in a town where the guild is prominent. • A following of underlings to help you research and teach. Progression: •You can be selected to advance if you pass a test. Acolyte Superior You have taken over the majority of training for a select group of underlings. People come to you for advice with their problems and you are treated with deference for your position. Holdings: • Respect and deference from the majority of the guild, allows access to restricted content. • A larger house, well stocked with the various tools of your trade. • A stipend for spell materials. Progression: •Successfully train a number of underlings. Sage You are considered the voice of the Guild. Even those from outside your guild have heard of you and seek you out from far and wide. You are invited to preside over all decisions of the guild. This includes advising the Leader on nearly all important decisions. Holdings: • High ranking guild members put great value on your advice and consult with you before important decisions. • Apprentices and pupils that carry out the majority of the mundane tasks associated with your position. • The ability to designate and limit access to restricted areas. Alley Illusions Leader: Ladrilye Tathviel Default Boons: Ranks:   Ominous Exterminators Leader: Margaret Chaucer Default Boons: Ranks: Shepherds of the Bull Leader: Mimay Bophill Default Boons: Street Tough - While you are in a large town or city, you may spend an hour and make a medium-DC Charisma (Intimidation) check. If you do, your tough demeanor and familiarity with the Fighter’s Guild attracts attention from the local members. You learn the location of any underground prize-fighting rings, guild friendly businesses, and the names of upper-class arena patrons. You also learn of any minor jobs being offered to street toughs, such as bodyguard positions or debt collection. Ranks: Scrapper Life on the streets has toughened you, and now you have started down the path of an illegal underground fighter. You have yet to make a name for yourself, but your training is starting to pay off. All you need is a chance to prove yourself. Holdings: • Room and board at a guildhouse near an underground arena. • An invitation to an exhibition match that will be attended by promoters and scouts for the Fighter’s Guild. Progression: •Attract the notice of a patron among the various underground fight handlers of the Guild. Prize Fighter You’ve made your debut and are now a part of the Fighter’s Guild. As part of a small stable of up-and- coming fighters, you are mostly booked for minor tournaments and as warmups for some of the bigger names in arena fighting. Holdings: • A mentor in the form of a handler, trainer, or promoter who helps organize and book your fights. • Access to a small training area equipped with dummies and frequented by potential sparring partners. Progression: •Enter a fight with a high-ranked fighter and either last three rounds or knock your opponent out. Contender Recognized as one of the most promising fighters in the Guild, you are now eligible for entry into major tournaments for ever-increasing amounts of prize money. Most of the money goes to your handlers, but your standard of living has increased dramatically along with your value. Holdings: • A private room at a high quality inn or other establishment. • Several admirers among the arena patrons, willing to ingratiate themselves with gifts or bribes. Progression: •Win a major championship bout. Champ Being champion of an underground tournament makes you a major figure within the Fighter’s Guild. As your fights draw greater and greater crowds, your duties are lessened and you live in relative luxury. Admired by some, envied by others, you nevertheless command respect among those in your line of work. Even your patron is willing to bend to most of your wishes, out of fear that you will defect to another noble or trainer. Holdings: • A collection of toadies and sycophants, eager to follow your wishes. • Job offers and party invitations from various nobles and criminals aware of your status. • A fancy championship trophy, which can take the form of a belt, cup, or some other trinket.   Soldiers of Shame Leader: Dresmorlin Default Boons: False Identity - Upon spending an hour writing and talking to the right people, and succeeding on a medium-DC Charisma (Deception) check, you can create yourself a new identity with fake identification. Ranks: Peddler You are used to lying through your teeth, telling people whatever they want to hear in order to separate them from their money. It keeps you fed and one step ahead of the law, but you’ll need a way to run bigger scams if you want to make real money. Holdings: •A stash of counterfeit items that you sell and scam people with. •A secluded stoop that you use as a shelter against the elements near your place of “business”. Progression: •You are recruited by a gang of Hustlers, or create your own group, to participate in more organized and larger-scale scams. Hustler You have started to work in a group as a face man, expanding your “clientele” with more lucrative cons, such as passing off coloured glass as gemstones, or bleeding wealthy marks dry with long cons. Holdings: •A group of miscreants that assist your cons, with whom you split the spoils of your larceny. Progression: •You must acquire or create plans for a large-scale con and procure the necessary elements. Con Artist You have become more daring in your approach, orchestrating swindles that require planning, resources, and teamwork in pursuit of a big payday. You may set your gang about duplicating famous paintings to be sold in foreign cities, for example, or forging property title deeds in order to sell a building you do not own. Holdings: •A team of charismatic swindlers and skilled forgers who can recreate items at your request with great accuracy and detail. •An unmarked warehouse in a disreputable part of town, where you can store and create forged items and oversee your operations. Progression: •Successfully executing a grand con that draws the outrage of a great noble household, religious faction, or other powerful institution. •It also makes you famous among other criminals. Mastermind You have become something of a legend within the underground. Up-and-coming swindlers approach you to learn at your feet. Whether you pass on your skills or fleece your new flock is up to you. Holdings: •Many detailed plans of cons you have devised or procured. •A network of talented individuals who work at your behest, aiding you in orchestrating your ploys.   Church of Kelemvor Leader: Helewys Mistsplitter Default Boons: Religious Heirarchy - Upon spending an hour proving your knowledge of the divine, and succeeding on a medium- DC Intelligence (Religion) check, you can find a contact within the local clergy. This contact begins as friendly to you and will answer questions you have regarding religion, the clergy’s agenda, and local religious matters.   Ranks: Acolyte You were taken in by a modest parish, where you assist in religious services and ceremonial duties such as lighting altar candles and distributing prayer books to the congregation. The priest also educates you in religious scripture and doctrine. Holdings: •You have knowledge of a senior clergy member whose teachings undermine the faith, preying on the wayward for personal gain. •Free lodging at your local temple of the faith. Progression: •You are recommended for priesthood by a senior clergy member who has overseen your study of divine texts. •You will be given a religious task that you must complete. Priest You oversee a local parish with a substantial following, where you perform rites, sermonize on the teachings of your deity, and provide spiritual guidance to followers whose faith has waned. You use your modest influence to inspire the virtuous, uplift the downtrodden, or incite fear. Holdings: •You have a modest parish that you oversee, including humble lodgings, and regularly receive locals for confession. •You have knowledge of a wealthy noble who possesses a first edition book of scripture that the church greatly desires. Progression: •You must either expose the senior clergy member exploiting the faith for personal gain, or acquire the first edition book of scripture. Bishop In recognition of your service to the faith, you have risen to the title of Bishop, taking up residence in your own diocese in a major city. You oversee a number of senior clergy who seek your counsel and spiritual guidance in all aspects of the divine. Bishops are elected from senior priests in their Order and retain the title for as long as they remain true to the doctrine. Holdings: •You are the steward of the largest temple of your faith in your region, and receive well-appointed lodgings nearby. •You oversee your own diocese in a major city, speaking on behalf of the faith and supervising the clergy there. Progression: •You become Cardinal in the event that a Cardinal passes away or retires, and the head of your faith appoints you in their stead due to your outstanding commitment to the faith. Cardinal As a Cardinal, you answer directly to the head of your faith. You oversee the diocese within your province, to root out corruption and heresy from on high. Cardinals are appointed by the head of their faith, and as such have their ear in all matters of spiritual and political adjudication. Holdings: •A number of dioceses that you oversee within your province. •Free lodging at any parish or diocese that recognises your appointment, and any institution under the control of the faith.     Proudfist Clan Leader: Urul Proudfist the Enlightened Default Boons: Display of Strength - Upon spending an hour in a tavern, inn, or restaurant, and succeeding on a medium-DC Charisma (Intimidation) check, you can win the respect and friendship of a local ally through drinking, carousing, boasting, and various contests of strength and skill. This ally begins as friendly to you and can provide you with information about military organizations, the local guard, and any recent battles or combat that has occurred in the area. Ranks: Clansman You are a junior warrior, serving as support for more senior members of the clan. Your tasks involve maintaining weapons and armor, tending to wounded warriors, and carrying loot when hunting within the clan. Should members of the clan be unable to fight, you may be called upon to take their place. Holdings: • Lodging with other warriors. • An ailing mentor. Progression: •Defeat a particularly tough foe. Pillager As a full member of the clan, you are trained to fight. Your clan depends on you as a main source of food and supplies, and your comrades depend on you to watch their backs in the chaos of a raid. Holdings: • A younger warrior assigned to maintain your equipment and carry your loot. • Your pick of the goods, in order of seniority. Progression: •Perform deeds of notable bravery and be promoted by a warlord or chieftain. Clan Leader Through a number of battles you have proven yourself cunning, ruthless, and skilled at combat. As a clan leader you are tasked with not only gathering as much as you can, but ensuring that your warriors return alive. Your underlings look to you for the tactics to use, and you must reign in the more reckless clan members lest they go too far. Holdings: • A fine dwelling within the village, showcasing trophies. • Command over a clan party and a voice at any war council. • First pick of any goods. Progression: •Save a chieftain’s life or defeat a sworn enemy of the tribe in single combat. Warlord Your deeds are legendary. When you speak, chieftains listen, and you direct policy. More to the point, you are the one who decides how the military might of the clan will be brought to bear. Holdings: • Authority over at least three raiding parties within your tribe. • Access to war councils and peace negotiations. • The ability to requisition goods and recruit new raiders.

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