Chapter 1-10: Neverwinter

General Summary

In the morning, after noticing Droop's betrayal, the party packed up camp. A squirrel scampered down the ruined wall and transformed into the druid Reidoth. He thanked the group for dealing with the dragon, but was surprised when they informed him they'd dealt with the source of the Shadowfell infection. The party handed him the wizard's confession, and he looked concerned by the mention of Iquath. He resolved to investigate further, but told the party they could contact him through the animals if they needed him.
At Clootie's request, Miaug picked up Droop's trail, which seemed to head in the direction of Cragmaw Castle. The group agreed that they'd deal with him when the time came (in fact they planned a series of tortures for him) but in the immediate term, they would head to Neverwinter to resupply. The party travelled most of the morning, and finally crossed the Neverwinter and came to the South Gate of the city. They decided to stop at the Stubborn Duck for an ale and a bite to eat. They spoke to the tavern keeper, who suggested the Yawning Noble for lodging. She also advised steering clear of the docks and the shanty town at the north gate, as there was something of an epidemic of Gutter Cough running through the city.
The group then split up to talk to different artisans and vendors. Miaug visited the fletcher, Flights of Fancy. She bought a quiver of excellent craftsmanship arrows, and also discussed making some "trick" arrows. She was advised to speak to Olexa the gnome tinker at Springs, Rings 'n' Things. There she commissioned two explosive tipped arrows, which should be available tomorrow morning. Ryoko and Clootie spoke to Raven the armoursmith at Blaze of Glory. Ryoko commissioned a custom wood and leather armour set with purple stained wooden scales. She also commissioned an adjustable saddle to suit her tiger and dire wolf forms. She was invited back tomorrow morning to discuss the designs. Clootie commissioned studded leather knee pads and shoulder pad, which should be ready in about a week. Aetilius and Ramas visited the weaponsmith, a dwarf named Donn at A Tempered Blade. He was delighted by Talon, which Aetilius asked to be silvered and should be ready for collection tomorrow morning. He also commissioned a custom shield - with removable panels backed by chainmail sections to allow the shield to be lightened for aerial combat, and also possibly with a flask dispensing mechanism built in. He's been invited back to discuss the design in detail when he picks up the silvered blade. Ramas asked Donn to assess Lament. It is an excellent weapon, but something about it made Donn uneasy. He traded in his daggers for two long curved daggers. The group then met up at the jewellers (A Golden Bargain) where they sold their jewels and jewellery for a tidy sum. Aetilius, Miaug and Ramas headed north to the apothecary. Miaug asked about poisons, but the apothecary, Jonn Stone, had been prescribing the ingredients he would recommend in lower doses to help treat the Gutter Cough outbreak. But he did teach Miaug about the plants, which should make it easier for her to find them in the wilds. Ramas bought the ingredients for his Summon Familiar spell, and agreed to us the brazier in the shop to perform the ritual. Aetilius went next door to the alchemists to ask advice on his Invisibility Potion recipe. He bought the alchemical equipment required, and was pointed in the direction of the gnomish tinker to commission a distillation coil. Ryoko and Clootie went to the General Store, where Clootie bought a sewing kit, and they bought a number of additional coin pouches for the group. They then arrange lodging at the Yawning Noble, and had some dinner and drinks (Ryoko had a lot!) while Clootie performed (occasionally accompanied by Ryoko on the mandolin, before she got too drunk to play).
Aetilius meanwhile went to seek lodging at the Temple of Selune. The lone Paladin present there seemed unsettled and intense, asking how long he had been in town, and where he had been. He suggested that there was little space on the temple due to overspill of Gutter Cough cases, and advised him to seek other lodging, although he stressed out in such a way that made it clear there may be another reason not to stay at the temple tonight. He then asked Aetilius to pray with him, before borrowing his prayer book and writing a message in it.
Aetilius made his way to the Yawning Noble, where he met up with the rest of the party, and he and Ryoko decoded the message:
Do not trust the order. Lathander, Silvanus and Kelemvor corrupted. Something awake beneath. Find answers in the shadow of the crescent.
The Lost Mine of Phandelver
Report Date
21 Nov 2018


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