Chapter 1-1: Goblin Arrows

General Summary

The party was hired in Neverwinter by a friend, a dwarf named Gundren Rockseeker, to escort a wagon of supplies to Barthen's Provisions in Phandalin. Gundren was both excited, and a little secretive, about his plans - he hired a human mercenary named Sildar Hallwinter to escort him as they rode on ahead to "make arrangements".
The party had travelled for a couple of days and had just turned east onto the Triboar Trail when they came across two dead horse in the road, peppered with arrows. As Miaug investigated, try were ambushed by goblins. Aetilius was surprised. Miaug climbed up into a tree and shot one goblin. The second attacked and wounded Aetilius. A third climbed up the tree after Miaug, who stabbed him with her dagger, causing him to fall out of the tree and die. She then threw her second dagger into the fourth goblin's stomach. Aetilius then grabbed the goblin who attacked him, flew up 20ft and pile driver him into the ground, killing him. Ryoko crushed the fourth goblin's skull, and Miaug hung upside down from the branch and shot the remaining goblin.
Miaug then followed the goblin tracks to a hidden forest trail.
The Lost Mine of Phandelver
Report Date
05 Sep 2018


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