Chapter 1-6: Hogtying Glasstaff

General Summary

Ramas opened this chapter by carving a penis into Glasstaff's forehead. After some discussion, the party agreed to split up - Ramas and Aetilius would tie up Iarno and lock him into one of the cells in the Slave Pens, while the girls pushed on further into the complex. Aetilius then clubbed Glasstaff with the haft of his axe to knock him unconscious and the two set of carrying his limp body back through the secret door.
Ryoko, Miaug and Clootie then investigated Iarno's lab next door. They found his alchemical setup and notes, which they couldn't make any sense of, plus a series of protective runes carved into the floor. They also found the journal of a Dwarven adventurer named Urmon, which talks about the lost mine of Phandelver, and mentions a mace named Lightbringer, which had been commissioned by priests of Lathander but lost when the mine was destroyed. Meanwhile, Ramas and Aetilius banged wildly against the wall in the storeroom, hoping to find a secret passage. Ramas eventually grabbed Aetilius's flint and steel and one of his torches, and used it to show a slight breeze coming through the wall. They eventually found a secret handle hidden behind a false brick and a door swung open into the corridor beside the armoury. Just as they were about to take the unconscious Glasstaff through the crypts they realised he wasn't wearing the same Redbrand cloak as themselves. Unwilling to risk activating the skeletons, they checked their packs for spare cloaks. Unfortunately, their spare cloaks was currently draped around a skeleton in the room, thanks to Aetilius. They then decided it might be easier to lock him in the armoury. At this point Iarno started to stir, so Ramas punched him in the face. They decided to hogtie and gag Iarno, ostensibly so he couldn't escape or cast any spells - possibly because they discovered a shared kink. They also decided that Iarno's rat familiar is too risky. Aetilius grabbed it and crushed it in his hand. The rat's body dissolved in a pale blue light. Aetilius remembers that Iarno would need to cast a lengthy ritual to resummon it.
While the boys were hogtying an unconscious old man and murdering his animal companion, the girls tried to sneak into the room opposite the lab. Inside, four Redbrands were playing a loud game of knucklebones. Miaug popped her head in the door right in front of them. When the Redbrands unsurprisingly noticed her, she tried to pretend she was anew recruit. The Redbrands were not fooled by the humanoid cat none of them had ever met before, and a fight ensued. The closest Redbrand grabbed her by the throat and threw her into the room. Ryoko them bashed him on the head with her quarterstaff. Clootie attempted to run up Ryoko's back and leap over her, but that didn't go well and instead she ended up half heartedly climbing up her back and slipping off onto the floor. Another Redbrand made his way over and attacked Miaug. Miaug pulled out one of daggers and hamstrung the first Redbrand, before sweeping her legs over her head and drawing herself upright (a Spinnerooney apparently), and scampering away into the far corner of the room. One of the remaining Redbrands followed her while the final bandit attacked Clootie. It became obvious that these Redbrands were very drunk!
Ryoko transformed into a tiger, and pounced on one Redbrand, tearing his throat out in a flurry of teeth and claws. Clootie stabbed another in the crotch with both daggers, uncharacteristically causing same damage. Ryoko leaped across the room and pinned the final Redbrand. The drunken mercenaries then gave up.
As girls carved vaginas into each of their captives foreheads, Ramas and Aetilius made their way back to the lab to investigate. Aetilius's arcane training allowed him to recognise and compare the setup of the alchemical apparatuses, to the recipe next to it. Iarno had, willingly or unwittingly, substituted certain ingredients. Aetilius pocketed the recipe then set fire to the rest of Iarno's notes.
The boys then made their way to the Common Room with the girls. Miaug tried to interrogate one of the captives for further information, but wasn't happy with the responses. Aetilius swing his axe at this Redbrands head, with the intention of stopping just shy of contact to try and intimidate them, but the axe slipped in his grasp and buried itself in the Redbrands skull, killing him sand successfully intimidating his fellows, one of who passed out, and the other who explained that the Black Spiders Bugbears were in the barracks to the south. The party then decided to stack corpses and have a short rest.
The Lost Mine of Phandelver
Report Date
10 Oct 2018


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