Chapter 2-3: Wave Echo Cave

General Summary

While the rest of the party were catching their breath following their fight with Venomfang, Clootie and Ramas set to work carving up the dragon's corpse. They cut a few large hunks of meat away from the creature's underbelly. Ramas also pried loose a couple of wicked looking eye teeth, and Clootie pocketed a handful of intact scales. Miaug scouted around the ruins looking for herbs she could use to help heal the group up. Aetilius and Ryoko set up camp in the large ruined building. On closer inspection, this ruin appeared to have once been the town hall. Most of the roof had collapsed, and around half of the second storey floor had fallen through. However, the far corner remained surprisingly intact and provided good shelter. As Ryoko was wandering the ruins, collecting dry wood for the fire, a snowy owl fluttered down from the darkening sky and alighted on her shoulder. It bent it's head over and whispered softly in her ear, "We are on our way. We shall be with you by the time Eleach begins to wane". Closing her eyes and turning her nature sense outwards, Ryoko confirmed the phase of the moon. The orcs should arrive tomorrow.
While the others built the fire and began to cook some of the dragon meat, Aetilius and Clootie headed out to practice some combat maneuvers. Aetilius crouched, locking his hands together and bracing as Clootie ran towards him. She stepped into his outstretched hands and he threw her upwards. Surprised by her lack of weight, he overestimated the force required and hurled her up towards the sky. Clootie was taken aback by the force of his throw, and thudded down on her back, knocking the wind out of her. Aetilius helped her to her feet, apologising sheepishly. The rest of the party, watching from around the sputtering campfire, cheered and laughed. Pride bruised slightly, Clootie whispered in Aetilius's ear. With a grin, the tiefling grabbed her under the arms and launched up twenty feet into the air. Clootie threw herself out of his grasp. She arced her body, twisting to fall face first; raising Kulog she shouted "Malaki". The hammer doubled in size in her grasp as she streaked out of the sky like a meteor. Clootie nimbly flipped off the handle an instant before it thundered into the ground, and erupting with a massive shockwave which threw a huge cloud of dirt outward. As the cloud cleared, the little gnome stood nonchalantly in the middle of a small crater, holding her tiny hammer. Aetilius swooped out of the sky to land beside her. The rest of the party cheered in congratulations.
The next morning, the party decided to explore the ruins of Conyberry. Having spent an uneventful night, the unnatural stillness had begun to lose some of it's impact and the group had begun to relax. The party spent around half of the day poking around in collapsed buildings, pushing on further into the crumbling village. Unable to find anything of interest or value in the debris, eventually the group regrouped at the camp to wait for the orcs. While they waited, Clootie began to examine the Eye of Vroth. Peering into it's polished surface she realised that exterior appeared to be moving slightly, forming tiny ripples and eddies like a viscous black liquid. Clootie stared deeper into the surface, almost certain she could see something moving just beneath the surface.
Suddenly Aetilius clapped her on the shoulder, snapping her back to reality, as figures approached silhouetted in the moonlight. Hurriedly she hid the orb again.
Five orcs stumbled along the path, looking exhausted and hungry. They collapsed beside the fire, and the group handed them drinks and cooked dragon meat. Brughor shook Ryoko's hand and gratefully accepted a hunk of meat. Tearing some flesh off with his teeth, he grunted in appreciation.
"Fair night to you all" he sighed, slumping beside the fire with his half-eaten meat, "We ran through the nights since we got your message. Do you have it?"
"Aye, we've got it" Clootie responded cagily
"And what of the thief, has he been brought to justice?"
"He's dead" Aetilius explained, without giving details
"That's good. I hope the cowardly scum suffered" Brughor growled angrily
Tulmak stepped forward, "May I see the orb?" he asked, hand outstretched.
Clootie drew back slightly, "We don't know if that's such a good idea. We've discovered that this is a powerful piece of dark magic, and a lot of dangerous people are looking for it. We think it might be safer if it stayed with us." she explained, carefully
Tulmak dropped his hand, and sat down beside the fire. For a moment he stared into the flames, idly poking the embers with his staff. Then he looked up, locking eyes with Ryoko, "Morlyn hasn't let you take the grey yet, has he?" he asked, his gaze seeming to pierce deep into her soul. "No", she answered quizzically,
He chuckles to himself, "He always was a cautious old lizard"
"I assume he hasn't taught you the history of the order either then…?" Tulmak looked at Ryoko searchingly,
"Not really" she admitted,
"The druid order is probably the most ancient organisation in Lanath. We have existed for thousands of years, mostly working in secret. Once, aeons ago, we roamed the forests and the wild places of the world. We worked to preserve and maintain the natural balance. But, when the Primordials first came to Lanath 3000 years ago, it was the druid order who used our magic to protect the mortal races and to drive them away. They returned a thousand years later, with an army of demons. That was the beginning of the War of the Gods. You should ask Reidoth about it - he was there. Fortunately, the druids had been working in the shadows - preparing armies; training great warriors and leaders; and distributing the secret of magic among the mortal races. When the Primordial's army descended, thanks to the work of the order, the inhabitants of Lanath were prepared for war. In spite of that, you know how that conflict ended. Ever since, the druid order has continued to operate, guiding the rest of the mortal races and preparing them for the coming darkness. I explain this so you know, the Druid Order understands the importance of the artifact you hold, and we know what is at stake.
My people, the orcs, did not have an easy start. We did not arrive in this world naturally, rather we were created long after the Primordial's great war, by the flesh workers of the Verani. We were little more than beasts of war in the Verani campaign to enslave the Eastern continent. Raised in captivity, bred to fight, it was only after the forces of the Empire defeated our armies and the druids freed us from the Verani control; that we learned the concept of peace.
Since then, my kind have worked with the druids to protect Lanath. After the discovery of the Eye you hold now, the orcs were given a great responsibility. Brughor's ancestors were tasked with protecting the Eye. The rest of our tribe was tasked with protecting them. And the rest of the orc tribes were tasked with protecting our tribe. These defences held fast for generations, the orcs defeated numerous assaults and countless attempts to take the Eye by force. Eventually we grew complacent, confident in our ability to protect the artifact through strength of arms. Our enemies saw this, and changed their approach. Ultimately we fell victim not to an attack, but to deception. This is a great dishonour, and we have failed in our sacred duty. But we will not be fooled so easily a second time. The archdruids still believe that the safest resting place for the Eye is with the orcs."
"What about the other Eyes?" Ryoko asked curiously
"They are long lost. Nobody has seen them for centuries" Tulmak explained
"Actually, Ramas here was hired to steal one a few years ago. In Southmarch" Clootie pointed out, innocently matter of fact.
Tulmak's eyes widened and he suddenly rose to his feet, "Are you sure about this?" he asked intensely
Ramas explained how he had been hired by a mysterious benefactor in Southmarch to steal an orb, identical to the one Clootie now held, in exchange for his freedom. Tulmak paced the cave, muttering to himself. Then he reached into his pouch and pulled out a handful of powder, which he threw into the fire. The flames flared bright purple, "Reidoth, we need you here" Tulmak shouted at the blaze.
A few tense minutes later, a streak of white fell from the sky. A brilliant silver owl perched on the edge of a ruined wall. With a silvery blur, the owl transformed into the old druid Reidoth. He smiled at Tulmak, "You called?"
Taking in the Tulmak's expression, Reidoth's smile faded, "What is it?"
"A second Eye is moving in the world" the orc explained Ramas's tale. Reidoth pulled out a small wooden pipe, puffing absently as he listened. As the tale ended, he looked over at Clootie, "So you currently have the orb in your possession?"
"Yes. Mother Redwald in Neverwinter gave it to me. She said that Lliria had spoken to her, told her to give the Orb to us and that somehow it's future was linked to ours?"
Reidoth looked at Clootie, studying her for a moment, "Interesting" he muttered absently. He puffed on his pipe for another minute, "Where are you going now?" he asked absently
"Wave Echo Cave" Miaug explained, "We're going to save a dwarf who found the Lost Mine"
Reidoth coughed in surprise, "There are people in the Lost Mine again? And two Eyes are abroad? Something dark is definitely stirring. The mine must not be disturbed. I need you to go there immediately, deal with the intruders, get everyone out of the mine and seal it up again. There are things in there which must not be awakened", he stared at the party, as though looking for something, "I do not know how you all became so deeply involved, but great events are happening around you. You must have some part to play in all this"
Reidoth looked intently at Ryoko for a moment,
"I am loathe to rush forward with your training, before Morlyn has taught you everything, but time is against us here.  You have potential child, but it also appears you all have a strange destiny.  I have something which may aid you in the coming struggled, but it must be taken willingly.  It is ancient magic, and ancient magics always come with a price.  Are you willing to pay it?"
Reidoth reached into his pocket, and pulled out an amulet carved from polished granite, inset with an onyx and decorated with druidic symbols,
"This is a Warden's Heart.  The Wardens were an ancient druid path, intractable and unstoppable defenders of the natural world.  They possessed great strength and tenacity, but in exchange, they turned their back on the civilized world, instead embracing a future in the wild places of the world.  This is the choice you must make.  Are you willing to renounce your place in mortal society and embrace a role as a protector of nature?"
"Yeah, fuck it" Ryoko responded
"I'm not sure you really understood the essence of what I was asking you" Reidoth responded, defeatedly, "But time is short and on your own head be it"
The old druid reached out and clasped the amulet around Ryoko's neck.  As soon as it touched the Iskathi's chest, the amulet firmly but painlessly bonded with her skin.  Ryoko felt warm energy course out from the amulet, sweeping over her skin and tingling in her scales.
Shrugging, Reidoth turned to Tulmak, "Tulmak, take the orb and return to your people. Be alert - dark forces are moving in the world, somehow they have escaped my notice, but they will be coming for this." he looked at Clootie, "Where is the orb?"
Clootie reached into the recesses of her robe and pulled out the Eye. Reidoth looked at her aghast, "You were touching it? Are you mad child?" he reached out with his staff, and the orb lifted out of Clootie's hand, hovering in the air and floating over to Tulmak, who grabbed it carefully. Turning back to stare at Clootie, Reidoth snapped at her, "What were you thinking? Give me your hands!"
The old druid grabbed both of her hands, and a bright golden light began to coalesce around their grip. Gradually the light intensified, moving up her arms and wreathing her torso in blinding incandescent light. Then the light dimmed, and Reidoth released the little gnome, "Touching the orbs is incredibly dangerous. They have an effect on those who come into contact with them. it can quickly kill you, if you're lucky"
"How come he's holding it?" Clootie asked, pointing at Tulmak
"For some reason, the orcs aren't affected by the orbs. It's part of the reason the druids entrusted them with the Eye in the first place" Reidoth explained, "Now tell me - did this Mother Redwald touch the orb as well?"
"Yes. I think so anyway" Clootie stammered
"Ok. I'm going to head to Neverwinter now. Hopefully I'm not too late. Tulmak, Brughor, take the Eye back home. Keep it safe, great danger follows it now. Clootie, and the rest of you, go to Wave Echo Cave. Deal with the intruders. Seal the mine. All of you, leave now. Time is of the essence." with that, he blurred back into the shape of an owl and launched himself toward the sky. With a shrug, the orcs bid them farewell. Ramas gave them a few hunks of dragon meat for the journey. As they disappeared into the gloom, the party set to work breaking down camp and getting ready to move out.  
The party trekked north through to night, towards Wave Echo Cave. A few hours before dawn, the weather turned. As the party drew closer to the edge of the forest, the trees thinned and more rain made it through the canopy to soak clothing and run down necks. By the time the party came into view of the cave, they were thoroughly drenched and utterly miserable. Up ahead, a cave entrance loomed in the side of a mossy hill like a gaping mouth. Trailing tendrils of ivy hung down from the top of the opening like needle sharp teeth. The cave cut sharply downwards, into darkness. Ramas volunteered to sneak in and explore. The rest of the party agreed unenthusiastically, settling down to wait in the downpour.
Ramas crept into the darkness. A short distance in, the narrow cave entrance opened out into a large cavern. Creeping in, Ramas noticed a delicate tripwire run across the cave entrance. It ran through a little metal eyelet jammed into the cave wall, turning 90 degrees and running up the wall. Looking up, he noticed a large wooden log with a number of sharpened wooden stakes hammered into it. Carefully, Ramas disarmed the trap and crept further into the cave. Rough stone walls curved upward sharply, and the low ceiling was dotted with many tiny pointed stalactites. The delicate sound of water dripping off them blended in with the sounds of rain outside. At the far side of the cavern, two large black leather tents partially obscured the light of a flickering campfire, which illuminated the depths of the cave. Around the fire, a group of bugbears sat, roasting meat and growling a low conversation. The cave was heavy with a sickly sweet scent Ramas couldn't quite place,
"Ow long we gotta wait ere?" one of the bugbears muttered,
"Nezzar says to guard the mine until they're back - so we wait to they're back" his big companion growled back
"What it they're not coming back - they could ask be dead in there"
The large bugbear considered this for a moment. "Fair point. How bout we wait til we run out of food?", he gestured into the shadows behind them. The other two grunted in agreement. In the dim glow of the campfire Ramas could just make out a small figure, tied up between two wooden stakes. But, something looked odd with the creature's silhouette.
Looking closely, Ramas recognized the creature as a dwarf. With a shock, he realized that the dwarf's left leg was missing below the knee, and his right arm stopped at the shoulder. His dirty tunic was caked in blood, evidently old and new, and he appeared to be drifting in and out of consciousness. With a sickening realization, Ramas recognized the meat on the fire.
Creeping back a distance towards the cave entrance, Ramas picked up a small pebble and hurled it out of the cave to attract the others. A few moments later, the rest of the group crept into the cave to join him. Ramas pointed out the bugbears and the dwarf, before trying to silently sign to the group to get into position. The party nodded in understanding, and began to quietly move into position.
As she tried to creep through a gap between two natural columns, Ryoko stepped on another tripwire. A bundle of loosely tied animal bones fell from the ceiling to smash against one of the columns with a deafening rattle. The three bugbears leapt to their feet, grabbing weapons. Miaug immediately drew her bow. She spied her prey and loosed two arrows at the biggest bugbear. Both arrows missed their intended target, shattering against the far wall of the cave. The big bugbear kicked the campfire over, the flames quickly spreading along a hidden channel of oil carved into the floor. The fire raced across the floor, beneath Miaug's feet, and formed a blazing wall through the cavern and across part of the entrance passage. The big bugbear then darted aside, hiding behind one of the tents. Clootie summoned three dancing balls of mystical light, sending them flying into the bugbears faces. The second bugbear charged at Miaug, and hit her across the face with its Morningstar, knocking her backwards. Ryoko raised her hands, and a wave of water thundered out from her outstretched hands, knocking the third bugbear flying. The water seeped backwards, extinguishing the embers of the fire. Badger leapt through the wall of fire, and tore at the exposed flesh of the bugbear who had struck Miaug. Ramas's raven familiar left his shoulder, swooping down and pecking at the third bugbear's face, causing it to flail wildly. Ramas sneaked around the pillar and sliced the creature attacking Miaug across the chest with his curved dagger, leaving a ragged wound. In a smooth motion, he brought his second dagger upwards towards the creature's chest, but the bugbear swept the blow aside with it's forearm. Aetilius jumped over the fire and drove Talon through the bugbear's side, killing it instantly.
Miaug moved up through the cave, trying to get a clean shot at the leader. She slipped an arrow out of her quiver, and it sped out of the darkness, striking the bugbear in the shoulder. Before the first arrow had reached it's target, she had another drawn back in her bow. This one bit deep into its belly, causing it to yowl in pain. The injured bugbear rushed at Aetilius, swinging it's greataxe downward in a vicious arc. Aetilius raised his shield, deflecting the blow. As the axe bounced off Aetilius's shield, the bugbear reversed the swing, catching Aetilius across the chest.
Clootie stepped forward, beginning another rambling monologue. Both bugbears looked up at her confused. Ryoko, taking advantage of their confusion, raised her staff and cast out a thick thorny tendril, which wrapped around the big bugbear's chest. With a heave, she dragged him forwards into the flames. Ramas sliced across the bugbear's chest with his blade, cutting deeply into the flesh. Meanwhile the other bugbear regained his footing, and moved into position beside Miaug. He swiped at her with his mace, but the cat dodged aside nimbly. Miaug loosed an arrow at the leader, without breaking eye contact with her assailant. As the arrow struck the bugbear in the side, Badger bounded up his body. He clamped his jaws on the bugbear's neck, then leapt backwards off the creature, tearing out it's throat and landing on the far side of the flames. Clootie ran towards Miaug, sparkling in a burst of iridescent light. She slapped her thigh, wound up and delivered a mighty kick to the remaining bugbear's chest, knocking him backward into the fire.
The party dragged the smoldering bugbear out of the fire and began to interrogate it. They asked the wounded creature how many of his allies were in the mine. The bugbear explained that the Black Spider had brought them here a few days ago. Around 25 or 30 other bugbears and goblins had gone into the mine, while the three of them had been left to guard the entrance. The bugbear looked at the party earnestly, "Please, just let me go. I didn't even want to come here. You'll never hear from me again." Ramas shrugged, then nonchalantly reached down with his curved dagger and slit the bugbear's throat. He wiped the blade on the creature's chest even as he choked on his own blood, the slipped the dagger back in it's sheathe. The rest of the party had grown used to cold blooded murder, so they turned their attention to the injured dwarf. Clootie cast a healing spell on him, knitting together the worst of his wounds and bringing some colour back to his face. As Aetilius cut him down, Clootie held onto his limp form, gently lowering him to the ground. She asked him urgently, "Are you Tharden?"
The crippled dwarf nodded weakly before collapsing unconscious.
Report Date
08 Jan 2020


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