Chapter 2-8: The Forge of Spells

General Summary

The party readied their weapons to face the shadowy creatures. Ryoko, reacting quickly to the situation, raced towards the center shade and swung Lightbringer down at it's head. The creature reacted, it's body becoming momentarily insubstantial as the mace came down, sweeping tiny tendrils of shadow with it as it passed through the creature's form. The shade furthest back to the left disappeared suddenly in a swirling vortex of darkness; reappearing between Aetilius and the archway. The two shades on either side of the Forge raised their hands and bolts of utter darkness erupted from their outstretched palms, arcing through the air. One struck Ryoko in the chest, knocking her off balance. The other struck Ramas on the shoulder, causing him to cry out in pain. The centre shade fixed his eyes on Clootie, and raised both hands towards the ceiling. A swirling maelstrom of shadow exploded between Clootie and Ramas, knocking both of them back a step and causing Ramas to double over in pain. The shade beside Aetilius reached out a charred hand towards him, and he felt a crushing force surround him; immobilising him and lifting him off the ground.
Ramas, recovering from his shock, conjured a ball of roaring flame in his hand and threw it out towards the shade who had hit him earlier. The firebolt struck the creature in the chest. Flames licked across it's body as it glared at him momentarily. Clootie harnessed the momentum from the blast, spinning on her heel and hurling Kulog against the opposite pillar. The hammer struck stone with a thunderous crack, sending out a shockwave which momentarily seemed to disrupt the shade's forms. With a sharp yell, she recalled the hammer to her hand. On the way it passed through the centre shade, causing it to recoil in pain.
The shade closest to the Forge raised its hands, and another pulsing vortex of blackess erupted beneath Ryoko's feet. The Iskathi shrieked in pain, before collapsing on the ground in a heap. The granite amulet around her neck released a single pulse of bright green energy, which raced across her unconscious form, stabilising her. Miaug closed her eyes and concentrated, muttering short guttural phrases. A bright blue light appeared directly above Ryoko, gradually coalescing into a floating spectral figure. The figure laid it's hands on Ryoko, and blue energy enveloped her for a moment. Her eyes fluttered open.
Miaug loosed two arrows at the shade who had attacked Ryoko. Both arrows clattered harmlessly against the stonework of the Forge. Ryoko got to her knees and whistled. Two Dire Wolves materialized in a cloud of golden light on either side of her, and she shifted her form into the shape of a Dire Wolf, howling an attack command.
Meanwhile Jinx, who had disappeared from Clootie's shoulder at the start of the fight, reappeared; swooping down in front of the three rear-most shades and leaving a trail of pulsing lights in his wake. The three shades recoiled, blinded by the brilliant display. The centre shade glared angrily at the party, then raised both hands again. A violent tearing sound ensued, and a massive chasm opened up in the centre of the room, stretching from the base of the Forge to the centre of the archway.
Aetilius, concerned for the safety of his friends, managed to summon all his strength and broke out of the shade's grasp. He feel six feet to the ground, just managing to absorb the impact but nearly lost his footing. Before he could recover his balance, the shade behind him fired another blast of shadow into his back, sending him stumbling forward down the yawning crevice. He reached out desperately with his hands to stop his fall, and just managed to catch onto the edge of the ravine. But his grip wasn't strong enough to hold him, and his hand slipped off, sending him tumbling into the depths. With a low chuckle, the central shade closed his hand, causing the torn earth to stitch itself back together, sealing Aetilius below.
More shadowy bolts blasted out from the outstretch hands of the shades, striking Ramas in the chest and knocking him unconscious. Ryoko and her wolves leaped over to engage the nearest shade, but their attacks struggled to find purchase in the creature's semi-substantial form. Clootie valiantly dodged an attack and swung Kulog at her opponent, the hammer taking the creature by surprise and injuring it. Miaug loosed another two arrows, one of which found it's target, illiciting a snarl of pain. She also raised her hand and swept her Healing Spirit across the battlefield to settle over Ramas. It's glowing blue touch rousing him out of his stupor.
Meanwhile, as Aetilius's hand slipped on the edge of the crack and he tumbled into the void below, he heard a sharp groaning and glanced up to see the ground seal over his head. As he fell, his shoulder caught on the wall of the chasm. Pain burst behind his eyes, as a chunk of armour was torn off and the bones cracked beneath. The impact sent his spinning towards the opposite wall. Moments before his head struck the rock, the narrow fissure suddenly opened out into a huge underground void. All around, the air was filled which thick clouds of blue green vapour, shimmering like aurora. Pulses of purple enrgy arced through the gas like lightning, illuminating the vast cavern. Reflexively, Aetilius spread his wings, halting his descent. The sudden movement put pressure on his broken shoulder, causing him to almost pass out from the pain. But he grit his teeth and peered into the distance.
Aetilius was unable to make out any boundaries of the cave; but a number of thick stone columns spiraled up to the ceiling from the darkness below. Looking down, Aetilus could clearly see the floor of the cavern, some hundred feet below. The surface appeared to be made of some form of glowing blue crystal. Ripples of blue energy pulsed rhythmically across the crystalline surface. Wincing in pain, he set his wings and glided gently down to the surface below. Unable to see clearly through tears, he stumbled slightly as he landed. He glanced around, racking his memory for any hints as to the nature of this place. It was like nothing he had ever heard of before. Suddenly the crystal surface tore open like a wound. A shimmering blue tendril of energy darted out of the hole, tightening around his body and leaving unable to move. The tendril lifted him up and pulled him in through the gap. Oddly enough, the tendril didn't hurt; although Aetilius had a sense of the raw unchecked power emanating from it, and was fairly confident it could crush the life out of him if so inclined.
He found himself in an impossibly large spherical chamber. The centre of the chamber was dominated by an immense glowing orb of pulsating light, like an azure star. He noticed that the tendril currently enveloping him emanated from the star's corona. Aetilius felt a booming voice, like a wave of pressure, in his head,
"What do you seek, mortal?"
"I was brought here during a battle with some spectres. My apologies if I have stumbled into your domain. I mean no disrespect. I have no idea where I am"
He felt intense scrutiny and curiosity, "What do you seek?"
"Please tell me, what are you? Or rather, who?"
"You seek knowledge?"
"I seek a new path to follow. Knowledge of the arcane, and the power to prevent great evil spreading in the world, at any cost"
Aetilius sensed faint approval, and the voice once again spoke in his head, "I have need of an agent. Pledge yourself to my service and I can offer you great power and knowledge, and the an opportunity to resist great evil"
Aetilius bowed his head, "I shall do your bidding. What is your price, and what shall I call you?"
"I was once Xanith"
Purple energy coursed along the tendil, rippling over his body leaving a trail of searing agony in it's wake. The pain in his body was quickly forgotten as a rush of images thundered though his brain in an instant. Aetilius tried desperately to cling to consciouness, but he couldn't withstand the tide and quickly passed out from the strain.
Back in the Forge, the lead shade cackled menacingly, confident that his opponents were nearly defeated. Miaug pulled back an arrow to respond, but suddenly an invisible force enveloped her; pinning her arms to her side and lifting her clear of the ground. Bolts of shadowy energy streaked out from the shades, Ramas narrowly dodged out of their path. Ryoko and her wolves were battered and bloody from the fighting, and the shade they were engaged with seemed largely unfazed. Suddenly a bright tendril of brilliant blue energy burst from the ground, throwing chunks of stone upwards as it appeared. The tendril uncoiled and disappeared, leaving a figure in bright plate armour standing next to a smoking crater. Aetilius raised his hand, and a purplish blue miasma of light solidified into the ethereal form of a huge double headed battle-axe. He raced forward, swinging his weapon at the shade holding Miaug. The axe sliced through the creature's body, causing it to howl in pain. The force around Miaug immediately dissipated, and she landed neatly on all fours. In a smooth motion she readied an arrow and released it. It struck the shade in the centre of the forehead and with a shriek it dissolved into a cloud of shadow. The cloud floated up and across to the lead shade in the centre of the room. He absorbed the shadowy miasma, the green light in his eyes seeming to glow a little brighter as he did.
Aetilius's sudden arrival had distracted the shades long enough for Ramas to slip into the shadows behind the pillar. He quietly slid through the darkness at the edge of the room, until he was stood just behind one of the shades. Like a ghost he slipped out of the shadows and plunged both of his daggers through the creature's chest. It let out another keening wail and also dissolved into a cloud. The centre shade also absorbed this energy; seeming to grow slightly larger in the process.
Clootie ducked under the leader's arms and raced across the room, quickly stepping up on the spiral staircase on the Forge and leaping off into the air. As she fell, she brought Kulog down on the shade Ryoko and her wolves were fighting. The hammer smashed into the creature's head; and at the same time Ryoko tore at it's neck with her teeth. The shade let out a gurgling cry and discorporated.
As soon as the lead shade had absorbed the energy of it's fallen comrades, it looked around at the situation. Only one of it's brethren remained, and it was in the centre of the room, surrounded by foes. With a slight smile, it disappeared in a cyclone of darkness; reappearing on the far side of the Forge and readying to attack. Aetilius ran forwards, grabbing Ramas by the shoulder. As he touched the half-elf, both Aetilius and Ramas disappeared in a rush of purple energy. They reappeared behind the Forge, immediately above the lead shade. The two maintained their momentum, Aetilius sailed through the air, spinning around and swinging his axe through the creature's face, landing nimbly just beyond it. The shade snarled at him. Ramas, meanwhile, had dropped silently to the ground on the opposite side of the creature. As it was distracted by Aetilius's attack, he slid his dark dagger up through the creatures chest, causing it to let out a long wheezing groan and dissolve into smoky blackness. As soon as the lead shade discorporated, the remaining creature let out what sounded like a sigh of relief, and dissipated into the air.
Exhausted, the party slumped to the floor. Injured, but triumphant
Report Date
19 Jan 2020


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