Northwatch Wardens

Elite military forces, formed as part of the Northwatch Pact between the humans of Kildrasil and the elves of the Feurach Aman. The Wardens are charged with defending the passes through the Northwatch Mountains against demonic incursions from Athenon.


The Wardens are an elite military organisation, tasked with repelling the regular demonic incursions from the north.
The Wardens operate in six man squads, each led by a Captain. Each squad has a corresponding Northwatch Ranger squad with whom they coordinate operations.
At each mountain pass, four squads are stationed at a Bastion. Two squads are typically on duty at any given time, and rotate in six hour shifts

Public Agenda

The Wardens have a low public profile outside of Kildrasil itself. The empire is reluctant to draw undue attention to the demonic armies just to the north.
Military, Army Regiment
Alternative Names
Wardens of the Paths


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