Olexia Walnir - Springs, Rings 'n' Things

Olexia is a gnomish engineer who manufactures a wide variety of fancy gadgets. Most of her money is made through sale of trinket boxes and trapped lockboxes. But her true passion is for design. She'd be delighted to craft up fancy equipment for the party - provided she can come up with an idea. She is a mechanical genius - bordering on a savant. She can come up with a solution to just about any problem, given time. She keeps all of her past designs in a series of massive ring binders, each about the size of her torso.
Olexia is extremely exctable, almost like a child. When she has an idea, she struggles to get the words out quick enough to keep up with her brain, and will often trail off and try to draw or build something rather than attempt to describe it.
Laughing green eyes
Bright purple


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