Perry Topletter - The Hidden Door

Perry is a fairly gruff and abrupt little halfling - but if his customers share his interest and love of books, his demeanour tends to soften massively. Has a wide variety of tomes in his shop (although they are typically rare volumes or first editions, and as such are very expensive) but if people are looking for particular information, provided they've managed to get him on side, he'll happily spend some time digging through his collection and will usually turn up some useful information.
The Hidden Door is not a particularly lucrative business. Perry is an incredible poor businessman. Thankfully, his wife Carissa runs the pottery store Lurka Pots, which makes enough to keep both businesses afloat.
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Perry has a big soft spot for both Miaug Elvenllonwen and Clootie McToot; but doesn't care for Ryoko Doryu, who he considers rude and impatient


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