Sun, May 15th 2022 02:17   Edited on Tue, May 17th 2022 10:32

Miaug - The Thundertree Renewal Project

Miaug wants to help build Thundertree from the ground up. She wants to ensure that the town can grow and keep everyone fed, educated and cared for. She wants to eventually help open a Thundertree library, school, apothecary, blacksmiths, a temple or two (a place of healing) and ensure the local market is booming. She wants to ensure the town thrives, not just survives. She wants to ensure the town gets to celebrate local holidays from everyone's different customs and ensure the community supports each other. She mostly wants to build a solid new life to share with Garaele. #miareele4lyf
Excellent. So you'll attend the Council Meeting on Saturday, where you'll get briefed on the current status of the town, including the current build plan. It'd be good to use that to work out what you want to add in to the plans, and what additional resources would be required. So have a think about what things you want to encourage, and in what order of priority.

Tue, May 17th 2022 10:32