Black Lung Conspiracy

Of all the complications present on Ymir, Black Lung disease is the one that most obstructed civilization. Yet it wasn't Black Lung itself that caused the Pillagers to rise. These thieves only really radicalised through the various conspiracy theories about Black Lung, spread by people like William Earthborn. Over the years, this spiraled into armed conflict, including the Night of Fire which directly led to a postponement of the fourth downscale of Military Law.   When it comes to the status of Military Law, there are Senators and Defenders on both sides. Some want the downscale to continue, to not give further ammunition to these extremists. Others want Martial Law to be announced and privacy laws to be suspended, so Pillagers and their accomplices can be tracked down and prosecuted. This conflict, which exposes the weakness of the ideals Ymir was founded on, all originated from that simple claim: The insistence that Black Lung wasn't as bad, but used as a tool by the government to keep the civilians under their yoke.   There even are those that insist Black Lung isn't natural, created by scientists as a biological weapon that either grew out of control, or was used against the people to oppress them. At least those are better, as they do follow normal safety procedures such as the Mask Mandate. The ones that insist it is fake, refuse to follow these measures or even get vaccinated. The few times that a group of them were infected, they proved the theoretical fatality rate for unvaccinated people. Worse, they allowed the disease to mutate, which temporarily meant vaccines were less effective.   Of course they claim that too is a lie, all to oppress the people. According to psychologists, at least one reason of this insistence is that they personally contributed to making things worse. They'd rather believe in a government conspiracy, than admit they have themselves to blame. Unfortunately there is no easy solution to this problem, as the precarious balance of privacy and surveillance state means they get away with claiming said balance is fake. Ironic, but nothing doing.

Cover image: City Sunset Night by Artapixel


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