
A group of Homesteaders that actively go around aiding homesteads in need. Despite a stringent selection process, not every homesteader was prepared enough for actually running one. Bad luck and human events, such as divorce, also played a role. Because of the self-sufficiency requirements to keep owning a homestead, even with leniency some of these homesteads risked being seized by the government.   This did not feel right for several more experienced homesteaders, who had their affairs in order and chose to use their spare time to share not just knowledge but also labour. While they did do a lot of hard work themselves, the group did make clear they were only there to provide limited aid and guidance, as self-sufficiency is incredibly important. While some homesteads still failed, many did manage to make it through thanks to Homestead-aid.
Total Members
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Current status

Even after the self-sufficiency deadline passed, Homestaid chose not to dissolve and their membership has even expanded over the years. There are still cases where a homestead faces bad luck or human complications. For example, a homesteader may fall sick or have an accident, or the homestead may get damaged by bad weather.   In these cases, Homestaid will send over a group to jump in and help people get back on track. Often they will record these efforts with their Scribe 2.0s, then edit these into useful videos. They make not only a useful training tool for other homesteaders, but have become popular amongst residents of the First City, which has turned into a source of revenue.
On top of their active aid, Homestaid also provides training to younger homesteaders, to help them learn how to take care of themselves. For example, hunting lessons, which their parents may lack the time for. But also showing how to juryrig repair a broken device, deal with the risk of flooding or collapsing trees, and so forth.   Additionally, the group helps when homesteads expand and need to prepare more land and buildings. While this is already something one's family and neighbours contribute to, Homestaid will often spare a few folks to help supervise things. The process of setting up a new farm also is beloved by many residents. While many folks do not want to be recognisable on camera, even censored these kinds of episodes are popular.

Cover image: City Sunset Night by Artapixel


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