Hunting Spears

An informal faction of the Ymir Battle Spears, the Hunting Spears are a group known for a specific ethical code that they apply to their duties. This code is not just a philosophy, but actually is acted upon. Specifically, they believe that neutrality must never be confused with observing. In practice, this means they do not purely act as scientific observers but are actually willing to intervene.   As of now, it appears that this ethical code only expresses itself with actions in the wilderness. That said, there are some concerned with whether the Hunting Spears may act against other people. Given their superserum abilities, if they were to actively intervene in society, the impact would be significant. Their very existence is used by some to justify distrust against the Science Department.   On the other hand, their acts contribute to how well Homesteaders get along with the Science Department. The help they have provided in the past, has grown a significant friendship. As a result, most Explorations feature members of the Hunting Spears, since Explorations involve a proper rapport to be built up with the locals.   There is no such thing as an official membership of this faction. However, there is a significant amount of Battle Spears that follows the tenets of the Hunting Spears, even actively defending or advocating for them if the situation calls for it. As of now, they are not considered a threat to public safety.
Total Members
█████ (>100)
Notable members
  • ████████████
  • ████████████
  • ████████████

Crucial Tenets

Neutrality and survival can co-exist
Scientists normally observe nature without interfering. As bodyguards of said scientists, many Battle Spears do not intervene either. However, Hunting Spears are different. If they believe an animal is a threat to people, or even the ecosystem, they are willing to act. The primary way this tenet is acted upon, is by hunting down Ursa Majors and other predators that venture near Homesteader territory.
The Wilderness isn't political
A Battle Spear will not intervene with politics. Do not expect them to make friends with politicians, or side with civilian organizations. However, to a Hunting Spear, this does not apply outside the First City, so befriending and aiding Homesteaders is fine. More interestingly, they apply the same logic to animals. There are Hunting Spears that have befriended various wild animals, which may even include a combined hunt.

Cover image: City Sunset Night by Artapixel


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