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Balmond, the leader of the hybrid Blood Orcs known as the Bloody Beast. At the end of the Orc Rebellion, with his men quickly losing numbers, Balmond succumbed to his fury and drank Blood Demon's blood, turning him into a hybrid Orc and Demon. With Alice 's manipulation and her figurative leash on him, he swore allegiance with the Abyss.  




My blood boils until the day I die!

The Orcs are an ancient breed, their people an ever-present sight across all corners of the Land of Dawn. Half-human they may be, but every single Orc berserker equals two mounted knights on the field of combat. The long history of this race is written in blood and conflict, from fighting under the Lord of Abyss in the Endless War, to marching against mankind during the Golden Era.

Buried in the sands of time was a string of defeats that saw the once-powerful and united class of half-humans split between Orcs, Minotaurs, and Centaurs. Bereft of their home and forced into exile in the southern lands, the Orcs eked out a meager existence for their kind. Yet despite all their suffering, it seemed as if fate was yet to cease tormenting this ancient race.

As the Abyss' influence continued to spread, powerful demons once again rose from the south, further threatening the already dwindling Orc population. Crumbling under the weight of the demonic scourge, the Orcs splintered yet again into several smaller clans. They scattered across the vast expanse of the Roaring Wilderness, only to be beaten down by their new oppressors.

Born into one of these clans, Balmond learned the art of combat at a young age. His father's training came complete with a history lesson, as well. He told the young Orc of the glorious feats of his ancestors: their old homeland north of the Lantis Mountains and the millennia of fierce battles they once waged against elves and humans. His father hoped that one day, Balmond would grow to become a true leader among the Orcs and return their people to their former glory.

Decades passed and Balmond grew into a mighty warrior under his father's tutelage. And all the while, the demons' relentless cruelty seeped ever deeper into the dark recesses of the young Orc's memories, feeding a deep-rooted yearning for his people's return to power. Determined to take back their once formidable kingdom, young Balmond restlessly trained in combat and spent hours poring over ancient Orc tomes. His studies gave him vital insight into his ancestors' martial strategies; just in time, as the flames of war were starting to kindle once again.

Seeking to muster an army large enough to attack the Empire, demons from the Abyss ruthlessly invaded Orc tribes, pillaging their resources and causing unspeakable suffering in their wake. Largely powerless to resist the demon forces, the Orcs had learned to submit to their oppression, hoping to preserve some semblance of peace, however short-lived.

But the tribes grew ill at ease with the demons' persecution. With Balmond at the helm, the warriors of his clan started marching into battle, slaying the demon leader who had come to plunder their resources. In doing so, he sparked the Orc rebellion, with each tribe lending Balmond their strength. The scattered clans, now united under a common cause, became a truly formidable threat, and the rebellion soon spread like wildfire. Under Balmond's leadership, the fierce Orc warriors successfully fought back the demon armies that encroached upon them, dealing them a devastating blow.

This destructive counterattack launched by the Orcs threw the demons into disarray and enraged Thamuz, the Lord Lava. Seething with fury, he dispatched a monstrous legion of Blood Demons and Fiends to fight against Balmond, refusing to tolerate any resistance within the Wretched Expanse.

And so began a bloody and unrelenting conflict between the Orcs and the demons. But as waves upon waves of demons descended upon them, the Orcs' rebellion took a turn for the worse. Their strength waned by the day, as their defensive lines shrunk until they were entirely surrounded.

To protect his race from extinction, Balmond decided to fight right to the bitter end, leading an effort to break through the demons' ranks. With their numbers seemingly infinite, the demon army laid the Orc army to waste. Shaking with fury at the lives lost, Balmond cast aside his blunted battle axe and gripped a demon by the neck, biting its throat and violently severing its head with his bare teeth.

Pounding spasms rippled through the young Orc's body, as the demon's blood seeped into his veins, setting off an astounding transformation. The union of demon and Orc blood drove Balmond mad with bloodlust, fuelling him with an unimaginable power that sent him breaking past enemy lines. Seeing this, the remaining Orcs followed suit, ingesting demon blood and igniting an explosive frenzy among the Orc army. Witnessing the incredible strength of the berserk horde, the Abyss fell back and yielded from their plot to crush the Orcs.

This sudden turn of events, however, showed the cunning Blood Demon Queen, Alice, the Orcs' staggering potential. She tracked Balmond down in short order and tempted him with an enticing proposal. In exchange for his loyalty, Alice pledged to return the entire Roaring Wilderness to his people. Left with no better choice to help him keep his Orc brethren's newfound power and save his kind, Balmond made a pact with Alice and swore loyalty to the Abyss. From that day forward, they would serve as the Abyss' vanguard forces to defeat the Empire as they stormed the Azyra Woodlands.

But even then, Alice could never have imagined that a much more ambitious aim had been brewing deep in Balmond's mind. With the demon army now at his disposal, the Orc commander fixed upon breaching the Moonlit Forest and occupying the elven kingdom, where he would steadily build his forces. Then before long, the union of the Orcs, and the revival of the kingdom they had long yearned for, would finally come to be.

Mastery Code/Chronicle Page

Chronicle Page currently unavailable

Short Story

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Comic Exclusive

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Full Name
Also Known as
Bloody Beast
Orc (former),
Blood Orc
Gender & Sexuality
Favorite Food
Disliked Food
Power Abilities
Berserker Rage


Yellow orbs
Red and white cornrow
Skin Tone
Dark reddish skin
Distinct Features
Hulking physique, chest scars (and rings), face scar and chipped saber tooth


Leader of the Orcs, General of the Abyss Army
The Abyss, Alice
Current Location
Lantis Mountains (former), The Abyss
Partial Demonization


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