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The Courageous Blade

Revised by Yin and Kris
Defender of the Vonetis Islands
Lapu-Lapu lives a quiet life in the Vonetis Islands with the other Doricans. Life was peaceful and free from strife until the arrival of a warlord who had defected from the Moniyan Empire. The calm was broken and the endless killing commenced. Lapu-Lapu gathered all the tribes together to fight back against the invasion. The force of the unified Doricans ended the bloodshed and this victory turned the Vonetis Islands into a paradise of freedom again.





“This land is our homeland, and it will soon be your burial ground.”
Perched on the ledge of a cliff, the mighty Lapu-Lapu looked down upon the raging inferno of what used to be the Moniyan camp. The hissing flames roared louder and higher, flooding the starless night sky with a bright, bloody hue.

Time and again, he told himself that this violent chapter of his story was lost to memory. But as he gazed upon the carnage that lay before him, he knew the bitter choice he made was the right one. Never did he dream he would find need to set foot on a battlefield again; but to protect that which he held most dear, he could no longer run away.

Seeking greener pastures at the peak of the Era of Strife, the Dorik people left the mainland and sailed southeast. They soon settled on the Vonetis Islands, where they peacefully got by and thrived on the plentiful gifts of the land. Their peace was short-lived, however, and the paradise they dreamed of slowly devolved into misery. Like the turbulent waves that surrounded it, this lonely archipelago was by no means calm.

Blessed by the protection of the sea, the Dorik’s isolated way of life led them to forget the pact their forefathers made hundreds of years ago. Vowing to defy the Moniyan Empire, the old chieftains of the Dorik tribes had pledged allegiance to each other. But with the threat of the Moniyan Navy now a bygone memory, the Dorik’s new enemy were their own selves.

Petty quarrels soon erupted into full-blown conflicts between tribes across the islands. Among the champions who rose from the ashes of war was Lapu-Lapu. His name rang throughout the Vonetis Islands, as warring tribes sought the aid of his sword for their campaigns. His countless victories brought him wealth, dignity, and honor; but the never-ending bloodshed slowly wore the fabled warrior down.

On the battlefield, human lives amounted to nothing. And Lapu-Lapu wondered if these violent endeavors held any value at all. Worn out from years of fighting, he decided that it was time to seek his own peace. He returned to his hometown with his scarred body and mind, determined to live a quiet life from then onward. Trading his sword for a bow and arrow, he found himself a woman to love and spent his days as an ordinary hunter – working at sunrise and going home to rest by sunset.

This was the life he desired, he came to realize. But the quiet life he was starting to relish did not last. Warlords defecting from the Moniyan Empire had set their eyes upon these new lands, sending forth coordinated legions like tidal waves upon the Vonetis Islands. And with the years of infighting reducing them to fractured rubble, the Dorik people were powerless to repel the onslaught. The enemies faced little resistance as they seized vast swathes of land from the beleaguered tribes. When Lapu-Lapu returned, he was devastated by the sight that greeted him – his heartbroken family and the embers of what used to be his home. He felt a fire in his belly growing and boiling over, his insides twisting with unspeakable rage. All he desired was a life of peace, yet the world has denied him of it time and again. The Moniyans repaid his trust with betrayal, his offer of peace with destruction. They had to pay…and they had to pay in blood.

Driven by anger at the Moniyans’ treachery, Lapu-Lapu gathered the young people of his tribe and began his push for resistance. He knew these lands like the back of his hand, which helped him devise ways of using the terrain to gain the upper hand. They would silently attack enemy encampments, fight if needed, then slither back into the shadows of the forest. Lapu-Lapu’s men kept up this constant barrage of stealthy attacks on the Moniyan bases and supply lines, always quietly retreating thereafter. They destroyed their structures and ravaged their resources without leaving so much as a trace, keeping the Moniyans in a perpetual state of confusion and panic.

Soon, however, a Moniyan warlord found out that Lapu-Lapu was behind all these raids. As an act of retribution, they deliberately set forth to loot and pillage the villages allied to Lapu-Lapu. They fortified their camps and locked up their provisions to force Lapu-Lapu to come out in the open. The villages that once welcomed Lapu-Lapu with open arms were now terrified, shaken, and unrecognizable under the iron boot of the Moniyans.

In light of these crippling setbacks, Lapu-Lapu understood that his stealthy ploys had fallen short of defeating the enemy. Clearly, the Dorik was destined to face the mighty Moniyan invaders head-on, undoubtedly an impossible task for him and his ragtag band alone. Indeed, they were strong, but nowhere near as strong as they needed to be. To win this ambitious campaign, they would need the full weight of the Dorik people.

Lapu-Lapu rounded up all the Dorik who had the will to resist, whether they be young or old, man or woman, and trained them into dependable warriors. This was not just a crew of power-hungry marauders, but an army of rebels fighting for their lives, their kin, and their land.

The battles were long and grueling, but the day of reckoning finally came. Lapu-Lapu lured the enemies to a thickly forested mountain where, unbeknownst to them, countless Dorik warriors were hidden and poised to strike. But the Moniyans knew that Lapu-Lapu’s rebel army had the upper hand in jungle warfare, so they chose instead to camp at the foot of the mountain. With the other side of the mountain leading to a cliff, the Moniyans believed that the rebels would come out soon. Lapu-Lapu and his men would have had to fight on an open field or risk starving to death inside the jungle.

Or so they thought.

Certain of their victory, the Moniyans slept soundly that night. The Dorik soldiers, however, had been quietly bracing for their final trick. Lapu-Lapu commanded his men to climb down the cliff using ropes made of mountain vines, then set out to strike the enemies in their sleep. All the built-up humiliation and hatred laced the blades of the Dorik warriors, which rained down upon the unsuspecting Moniyans.

Caught off-guard, the invaders proved powerless to resist, and could all but pitifully defend themselves against the onslaught of the raging rebel army. The Dorik could finally see the end to the Moniyans’ oppression, but Lapu-Lapu had his eyes set on something else. Amidst the clashing of steel, the Dorik champion charged toward the captain of the Moniyan forces, bringing down his mighty blade upon the warlord’s pale neck. His face was a picture of dread, his eyes wide open with shock as Lapu-Lapu dealt the final blow. In one swift motion, the head of the fearsome oppressor lay lifeless on the ground.

Leaderless after the battle, the Moniyan invaders had no choice but to fall back. Lapu-lapu’s emboldened army routed and chased them to the shoreline, driving their ships back to the mainland.

The clouds of tyranny finally lifted, and the sun shone brightly upon the Vonetis Islands yet again. The Dorik people endure once more, basking in this newfound peace for years to come.

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Information currently unavailable


Full Name
Also Known as
Courageous Blade
May 13 (Taurus)
Gender & Sexuality
Dorik, Dorican
Favorite Food
Sliced Raw Fish, Various Seafood
Disliked Food
Green pepper, Ginger
Fishing, Hunting
Power Abilities
Super strength
Twin Blades (can fuse into a single Heavy Blade)


Skin Tone
Distinct Features
Skin adorned with tattoos of the Dorik culture


Chieftain, Warrior, Hunter
Current Location
Perlas, Vonetis Islands

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